Bearing Pain

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Waking up,

Sleeping down,

Turning , tossing,

In the life around.

I bear pain 

Of physical finesse,

I bear aches,

Of multiple magnitudes.

In a wintery morning,

When sun blossoms,

It's warmth on the soil,

When the air becomes,

Romantically teasing.

I feel lesser madness,

Brawling in the subtle background.

I wake up and shine

To the shining day outside.

I sleep in thoughts

Of happiness.

In a summer day,

When the air breeze is cool,

And I could see,

Flowers glowing upon me,

I feel more energy,

Channeling the light in me.

I wake up with smiles,

To the smiling world.

I sleep up with,

Fragrances of the shining day.

All I have felt in

All the time,

I have tossed and turned around,

In life.

That pain is not physical.


It is the emotions linked to it,

It is the feelings we add to the physical,

That becomes our pain.

That describes our sun, wind and rain.

Life is beautiful,

If you see it as.

Pain is bearable,

If you feel it is.

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