The Tease

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The gnawing presence of a trail,

Of smooth skin blistering over his.

Washing over the determination,

Prevailing over him a sense of losing.

Losing to this lady,

Nibbling his ego 

With every smooth trail of her finger,

Tossing him over to the brink of control.

He could see in her eyes,

Woeful craving.

And he could reciprocate those,

Not wary of her little lies.

With every move of her fingers,

With every stare of her charming spell,

She bound him into a hoax,

In the marsh of her devices, he fell.

And then she got closer,

Close enough to fumigate him,

With herself.

And in that nonce,

He felt a strong desire,

Into him delve.

He was supposed to guard the door,

Where she had come roaming about.

"My work here is done"

She said,

Almost making him bite himself.

And when he opened his eyes,

Out of the spell,

He saw the tease,

Strutting into the door at a distance,

And his hands tied,

Tied with a rope,

An outcome of her deft diligence.

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