5 ➳ The Story of Tonight

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||Alexander Hamilton||

:August 28th 2016:




I dun messed up

I forgot to save my essay when I turned off my laptop and now it's gone...


And now I have to start over...

All the hours and time put into this project, all gone to waste.

I have to write those 121 pages all over again...


Well! Only one way to solve this unfortunate dilemma!

Lots of coffee! Lots of stashed food! No sleep!

I crack my knuckles.

Here we go.

"ALEXANDER HAMILTON! TAKE A FRICKEN BREAK!" Yelled you know who as he burst into the room, "Who the hell does homework on the weekends!?"

"I do! I have to write this! Only 121 pages to go!"

Laurens sighed in annoyance, "Why do you write like you're running out of time!? You're not running out of time! I think. When is this due?"

"Three weeks."

"Okay. Close that laptop and come with me. You know why?" Laurens asked as he walked up to my desk.

I glanced up at him. "Why?"

"You. Me. Movie marathon. No writing 121 page essays. Now get up from that chair and get all the snacks you can carry because we are gonna hang out all night!" Laurens said as he through his fist into the air.

I had to admit, his idea sounded like a fun way to spend the afternoon.

And this project IS due next month.


"Okay, you win."

Laurens pulled me up from my seat and raced out to the living room. We got a huge stash of food and then searched through the Netflix movies.

"Hey, me and Herc are heading off to Starbucks. Want anything?" Asked Lafayette as he stood at the door.

Laurens looked at him with the most determined facial expression ever, "UNICORN. FRAPPUCCINO. EXTRA WHIPPED CREAM. GO!"

Never thought I'd live the day I heard John Laurens say that.

"I'll just have, um, black coffee." I answered.

"Well, that's boring."


It was now just me and John.

"This live action movie about the founding fathers looks cool." Said Laurens. I looked up at the screen and saw a movie that had a picture of a guy who had a spot-on resemblance of myself called 'Lin-Manuel Miranda'.

"Sure. Why not." I said with no emotion.

"Alexander, have more enthusiasm! Tonight is supposed to be fun!" John said as he began to play the movie.

I honestly thought the movie would be a boring history lesson but it was actually an emotional rollercoaster and I became emotionally attached to the characters. But that was probably a bad thing since the majority of the people died.

Eventually, the room got cold so I grabbed a blanket from next to me and wrapped it around myself. But this was the only blanket.

"Alex, it's really cold in here! Can't we just, you know, share?" Laurens suggested as he inched closer to me.

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