14 ➳ Thomas Jeffershit

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Haha immature title, I know.

It will make sense, trust me.

||Alexander Hamilton||

:September 22nd 2016:

I was currently in my debate class and Mr. Washington was giving a speech about...whatever the speech was about. I wasn't paying attention. I never do. Anyway, next month-ish we were going to have a special debate meeting(?) based on a cabinet meeting between Lin-Manuel Miranda and Daveed Diggs from around the 1790's. Since me and Thomas Jefferson were the best in our class, we were going to be up against each other and I was ready to win.

The school bell rang and we were dismissed from class. As I began to head for my way home, there was a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and saw Eliza with a smile.

"Hey, Lizy." I greeted.

"Hi, Alexander! How was class today?"

"It was alright. For once Jefferson wasn't an ass to me. How about you?"

"My day was fine. I had some tests, but everything else was okay."

We chatted for a bit as we made our way to the dorms together.

...Until you know who walked up to us.

"Hello, smallest boy in NYC. How are you? Horrible, I assume?"

And just when I thought things were fine today...

"Don't talk to me, Jeffershit."

I sped up my walking and Eliza sprinted to catch up. Then I was shoved from behind and almost fell to the ground.

"Thank you for soaking me on the street the other day. It really was the cherry on top of a terrible day." He said with a fake grin. I laughed.

"Haha, you're welcome! The muddy water really went well with your outfit that day."

Thomas growled while Eliza awkwardly stood on the sidelines.

"Um, please don't fight! I, uh, really don't want to see either of you hurt." She said. I ignored her, I wanted to show Jefferson who's boss.

"I'm surprised that anyone likes hanging around you. You are the most unlikeable person in the world." I said as I stood up 'tall'.

"Wow, I'm so hurt. Gonna have to do WAY more than that to make me feel bad, Hammy."

Yeah, there was nothing I could say to get back at him. But I might as well just make rude remarks anyway.

"Your parents really made a mistake making you. I almost feel bad for them." I said. He rolled his eyes and took a step closer.

"Oh, I'm the mistake? I'll give you a few hundred reasons why you're the-"

"Okay, okay, let's just break it up. There is no point in fighting, you two. What good will it bring?" Eliza stepped in front of us and attempted to break us apart. It failed.

"Thank, but I'm already aware that I wasn't meant to be born, asshole."

This stunned them into silence.

"Oh..." I could see a hint of guilt in his eyes. But he continued. "Ha your mom must be a whore. She probably doesn't even love you." He didn't word that very well. I could tell he felt bad.

But it still hurt...bad.

No, Alex, don't you dare embarrass yourself and start crying in front of him. You'll be the talk of the school all week!

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