35 - A Perfect World

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||John Laurens||

Trigger Warning: Blood

:December 10th 2016:

A perfect world was the one I was living in. Though it had many many flaws, it still felt like a fairy tale for me. The idea of being with the love of my life is insane and makes me want to believe that true love exists and I am experiencing it as I speak.

I am so so so grateful to have Alex in my life. He is my everything and I would be nowhere without him. He's what's keeping me going. He's what makes me smile. He's what makes me believe that anything is possible. He's what's keeping me from being down. He's what's keeping me from being heartbroken. And I love him for that. Words can not describe my love for him. I love him more than anything.

Well, I haven't decided if I love him more than turtles yet. I think they're tied. For now.

But then came a thought.

Do turtles know how to smile in a way that melts my heart? Do turtles have the ability to make me feel butterflies whenever I even hear their name? Do turtles know how to kiss me like no other, hold me like no other, and love me like no other?

Do I want to spend the rest of my life with a turtle?

Holy shit.

Alexander is my favorite thing in this world.


That's a lot of fucking love. Whoa.

I should have known the answer from the start! Alex is much cuter than any turtle, any day anyway. (That sentence sounded so weird)

"Alexander, wake the fuck up!" I yelled as I shook him awake. He groaned and pushed me off him, causing me to hit the ground. He went back to sleep. "You jerk."

I shook him again and he opened his eyes slightly.

"Jooohhnnyyyy!" He complained, "Your bed is so soft thooouughhh! And you know I'm not a morning persoooon! Give me...five minutes. No, ten. Actually...twentyy..." He fell back to sleep.

Hmm. What's a way to get him out of bed? Nothing cruel, of course.

I could totally kiss him awake, but that is WAY too cliché for my liking and I'm pretty sure it only happens in Disney movies.

Maybe I should just beg.

"Aleeex, don't be so stubborn! We're going to the hospital today to see my mother! We have to be there in half an hour and you're not even ready!" He sighed and covered his face with the pillow.

"But why do I have to go?" He complained.

"Because I want to introduce you to the nicest woman on the planet! Come on, she'll love you. Now get out of bed and make me happy!"

He threw the pillow at me then yawned and sat up.

"You win." He said, "I'm taking a shower."

"Whoa, it's a miracle!" I said sarcastically with a grin on my face. He playfully punched my arm and walked out of the room.

I lied down on the bed and hugged the pillow. It still had Alex's scent on it. I sniffed it. This is totally creepy but I don't care. I ended up falling asleep.

I was shaken awake with a yawn, "Oh, you out of the shower yet?" I asked sleepily.

No one was in my room. Though, I did notice to door move slightly.


I looked to my desk to see a letter there.

I picked it up and recognized it as one of my daily love letters from Alex.

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