Hamilton Q & A!

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I'm bored and am in the mood for some Hamilton related shit so here we go~

What was the first thing you thought when you heard of Lams

First of all, the first time I heard of Lams was when I was on Wattpad and was curious to see if there was Hamilton fanfiction (I wasn't actually planning on reading any of them lol) Then I saw Lams and I was like "Wot is this and why?" Then I just read some fanfiction about Lams because of curiosity and I was like "THIS IS AMAZING!!!" And that's the story.

Have you ever seen the show?

No, but I came close to! Since my dad is a fan of Hamilton as well, he tried to get tickets one morning with three different browsers up at the same time but that flopped :P

What's your favorite song in the show?

Literally all of them but I've recently been getting really really excited whenever What'd I Miss? comes on in Shuffle.

What's your favorite cut song?

Probably congratulations. It would be my favorite song if it was actually in the show. I love it sm!!

Who's your favorite character?

Philip then Laurens :3 Lol they have a lot in common now that I think about it. They have the same actor, they both died, they both call Hamilton "Daddy". Wait a second...that was taken WAY farther than intended...

Which cut scene would you add back to the play?

Does all of Congratulations count?

What's your opinion on Jamilton?

It's glorious -3-

What's your favorite scene?

I'm not sure. I love ALL of it! :D

Why did you start shipping Lams~?

Because I read the letters and some facts about their relationship and I was like "YIS THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!" And that's where the obsession began.

What was the first song you heard?

Helpless! It was a Victuuri animatic thing.

How did you find out about Hamilton?

Family members, people at school (mainly my musical theater class) and internet. Yee (By the way, I'm now good friends with those people who mentioned Hamilton in my theater class ;3)

Fun story! One time I was in class (then was when I JUST got into Hamilton) and the class next door had some music playing. It sounded familiar to me so I tried to listen in on it. It was actually HAMILTON!! I don't know how I recognized it xD I think I remembered Ham's voice so I was like "Oh, hey, it's Hamilton"

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