34 - Sleeping In

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IMPORTANT: Hey guys, I'm going to stop adding the Roman numerals as the titles because they are throwing me off. I'm going to edit all the chapters so they're normal numbers. Hope you understand.

||John Laurens||

:December 3rd 2016:

Me and Alex both decided to sleep in that morning. Both of us were really tired and lazy. Even if I was a morning person, I really wasn't up for it this morning. I just wanted to lie by Alex's side for a bit longer...okay, maybe, like, all day? I think that would be satisfying enough.

Besides, being by his side makes me forget all my problems.

He held my hand and looked up at the ceiling. "Do you ever just stare off into space and contemplate about the future?"

I looked at him and thought, "Actually, I don't do that very often. I like to live in the moment and make the best of it." I said as I rubbed my thumb along his tiny hand.

"Sometimes I like to think about what happens after college. I'll probably have some cool job, live in my own house- with you of course-, I'll probably be married to you, we may even have kids, gah, it's so exciting to think about." He looked at me with stars in his eyes, "Do you think we'll have a future together?"

I smiled and turned towards him then held both of his hands. "I would like that very much."

He blushed and pulled away his hands to covered his face. "Haha, you smooth mother fucker. This is why I love you."

I leaned in closer, just about it kiss him, "I love you too."

We leaned in for a simple loving kiss. Nothing passionate, nothing crossing the line, just a normal kiss. I placed my hands on his cheeks, pulling him closer. He put his arms around me.

Have I ever mentioned— we are so gay. Like, wow. Can we get any gayer?

After only thirty seconds of pure silence and love, the door just HAD to be busted down.

"YO, LOVEBIRDS! WE'RE HERE TO RUIN YOUR MORNING WITH AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" Screamed Lafayette as Herc stood beside him.

Me and Alex quickly pulled away, very annoyed with the couple.

"What could be so important that it's worth interrupting a peaceful and meaningful moment with my boyfriend!?" Yelled Alex.

Herc cleared his throat, "Wanna come Christmas shopping with us?"

Are you serious?

I held Alex and glared at them menacingly.

"No, we are not going! Do you really think we'd want to go Christmas shopping with you after you completely ruin the moment like that!? Maybe another time, but not now! Go away and leave me and Alex alone to sleep in together!" I said.

They exchanged cheeky looks, then back at us.

"Okay, mon amis, we'll leave you two to 'sleep in together'. Hopefully you have a good time~"

The two ran out the room giggling to avoid us yelling at them.

"I'LL PUT UP THE 'DO NOT DISTURB' SIGN FOR YOU!" Yelled Herc. The two were gone.

"Sometimes I really hate them." I said.

"Same, but you can let go of me now."



I kissed the top of his head. Then he grabbed my collar and pulled me in for another kiss.

At least no one else would barge in.

...or so I thought.

"YO YO YO JOHN, WE NEED TO TALK WITH YOU!" Screamed Peggy of all people as she barged in with her two sisters.

Me and Alex pulled away.

"It's urgent!!" Yelled Eliza.

"It isn't, but it's still important to us!" Said Angelica.

Confused, I got out of bed and walked out the door with the trio.

"What the fuck do you want!? I was trying to sleep in! Alex too!" I complained.

"Really? Looked like something else was going on for a second." Said Peggy with a wink. I rolled my eyes.

I love her...but right now I just hate her.  

"Anyway, John, we have a theory about why you've been acting off and we are so sorry that we found out!" Said Eliza.


"Um, okay. What do you know??"

Eliza mouthed 'one, two, three' two her sisters and they all whispered at once. "We know about your proposal plan!"

I choked on air.

"What the fuck!?" I whisper-yelled.

Peggy giggled.

Angelica answered by saying, "It only fits, John. Don't deny it. You've been acting all extra romantic with Alex and being all on-edge is because you're nervous about purposing! Don't worry, this will be our little secret."

Okay, why is everyone here so bad at making assumptions!?

"Okay, hear me out. I am NOT purposing to him. You guys had a misunderstanding. Same with Alex, actually. I've been acting weird for more serious reasons that I'd like to tell to the fewest of people. Okay? And besides, you'd have to be crazy if you purposed to someone when you've only been dating them for a little under two months." I whispered.

Their expressions fell. I guess they all wanted us to get married.

"Oh...well this is awkward." Said Peggy.

"A bit, yeah..." Said Angelica.

Eliza cleared her throat, "Well, I hope that whatever is happening with you will be resolved soon. I hate seeing you this...uneasy, John. I know that I've been kinda unfriendly to you recently but I really do care about you, like old times. I hope everything gets taken care of, seriously. Same goes from all of us."

Eliza is such a cinnamon roll. It's so cute! I'm glad to have a friend like her.

I smiled. "Thank you, you guys. It means a lot, more than you know."

The four of us hugged then they said their goodbyes and left. I can't believe I have such nice friends like them.

I lightly knocked at the door and walked in. I sighed and walked back up to the bed.

"Was everything okay?" He asked with a smile.

I smiled back and climbed into bed, being on top of him..

"Yeah, everything was fine. Just the Schuylers being the Schuylers. Crazy shippers. Mostly Peggy, though."

"Oh, yes. Most definitely Peggy. Doesn't she own a Wattpad account and write fanfiction about us?"

"Haha, I bet she's does but I doubt anyone else would write about us."

"True. So, where were we?" Asked Alex with a grin.

"Hold on, before we do..."

I got up and locked our door, double checking it. If someone else were to barge in, I would be so done and probably die.

I plopped down on top of him once more and kissed him right away.

And no one else interrupted.


Aw this one was cute to write.

And it totally was a filler lol.

I swear the next chapter will be a chapter resulting in a major part of the story that will continue in many chapters after it. :) I have a huge plan.

(RIP all ten forth walls. Wanna plan the funerals with me? 😢)


➳My Light in the Darkness ➳Lams Soulmate AU➳Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ