4: Murder

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"Nobody owns life, but anyone who can pick up a frying pan owns death."

― William S. Burroughs

Mariennne's POV:

Letting myself in the dark room, I closed the door with a loud sigh, my head throbbing as I tried to take deeper breath, voices roaring in my head.

These days, the voices seemed to become more prominent, more loud.

Coiling in my mind, putting on a freak show.

I licked my lips.... I enjoyed the taste of my crazy.

They echoed throughout my mind, trying to rule me, break me, until I gave in completely.

I could hear them acuter than before, louder than before. They commanded me to do things that I shouldn't do, but I just cannot let go of them.

They have been with me since my existence.

Groaning loudly, I took off my suit and the tie, throwing it somewhere in the room.

The clothing articles landed somewhere in the dark nothingness of the room with a loud thud, and then the room became silent again.


Comforting yet painful silence.

I sat myself down on the bed and raked my hand through my hair nonchalantly. Closing my eyes, I focused on the voices. Not that closing my eyes would matter, the room was dreadfully dark anyway.

And I listened.

".....You like her, don't you?...."


"Don't you want to go back to her?......."


I didn't want to go back to her!!


"....She is pretty...."

Please stop....

"She is a vixen...."

That waitress back in the restaurant, Roseline.... She unnerved me. For some reason, she seemed really familiar.

Red, hot, anger consumed me in it's gorgonian flame. I clenched and unclenched my fists, trying to keep my anger in check.

Earlier, in the restaurant, when the cute minx brought us food, I felt myself looking into her eyes, her chocolate brown pool that shone with purity and the flame of wrath.

Why couldn't I put my fingers round whatever it was?

The aura it left as soon as it came, with her, evaporating in the thin air, leaving me with my monsters.

I found myself questioning, who was this woman?

Why did she seem familiar?

She is a seductress.....

That had to be it-

"Marriene!" Madeline's sweet voice echoed throughout the corridor, breaking my reverie. After a short while, an annoyingly bright light filled my vision as a sound of a switch flicking made it's way into my ear.

I looked up, only to find her standing in the doorway with a plate full of some gooey stuff in her hand.

Another one of her experiments?

I must've had a murderous look plastered on my face, because her smile faded as soon as her gaze landed on me. She paled visibly as her form shrunk.

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