63: Vulnerary

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Also, I saw a comment wanting smut in detail in the question chapter, I mean smut is sorta necessary in this book. (I am that author that spoils her own book)

"What happens when people open their hearts?"

"They get better."

— Haruki Murakami (Norwegian Wood)

Rose's POV:

"Are you sure about this?" Calissa eyed me as she shifted on the bed, her posture rigid with tension. I eyed her warily through the mirror, knotting the pink, crafted ribbon around my hair. Although, using ribbons for tying hair was backdated, but today, I felt like it was perfect. And also tying ribbon made me look good.

For some weird reason, I wanted to look pretty today.

Was I being too forgiving to the man who sometimes visited my nightmares and my wet dreams?

Maybe, maybe because he was already burning himself inside his inferno.

I am not an angel, but I like to be optimistic.

"You seem happy..." Calissa trailed off, grabbing a pillow from the bed, narrowing her eyes at me as I finished tying the ribbon- tilting my head back and forth to examine my work.

"Why shouldn't I be happy?" I sighed as I brushed the bangs that fell over my forehead. I observed myself on the mirror, looking for any imperfections that might be there.

If I said I was elated, it would be an understatement. Today was my monthly appointment with the doctor and I was going to see my almost seven month old baby! Although, Calissa was a bit frantic about the fact that I had prohibited her to come with me and was taking Marienne instead, but considering the fact that she had been accompanying me to the doctor for the past appointments- it really didn't bother me.

I could take both of them, along with mama, but, Calissa had proudly announced last night that she wasn't going to breath the same air as him if her last breath depended upon it.

As for mama, she suddenly fell 'sick' when she heard Calissa wasn't joining us.

Calissa despised him wholeheartedly and I once despised him just like her, but hearing his story and his reasons- I couldn't help but feel pity towards him.

I wouldn't qualify as a human if I did not have the basic sympathy for a person who had been scarred for life by the people who were supposed to protect him and cherish him. My heart felt for him and seeing him after all these months- like a decent human being rather than a deranged monster- was slowly changing my idea about him.

"You look way too good-"

"Calissa" I sighed and cut her off, looking at her. I knew what was she going to say and to be honest, it pained me to even think about it.

I haven't forgotten it, but I shouldn't deprive him of the right of a father.

Seeing how careful he was around me and yesterday his little gesture- placing the pillow at my back so that I could sit comfortably; it melted my heart. Although, maybe it was a mindless act for him, but I couldn't sleep until 1 AM because I kept thinking about it.

I could starting to see why should he be given a chance and why would he make a good father.

"I know he has done a lot of things, I know he has left scars that might never be healed..... but he deserves a chance as a father too." I pointed out like it was the most obvious fact.

Maybe I was being a bit protective of this child, but I was scared. I was scared that this child would face the same hardships I went through because of not having a father.

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