59: The Way Love Sustains Us

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I wish Jane Austen, Shakespeare or Lord Byron had Youtube in their ages ;-; I could have writing advises. (I mean I know it's a dumb wish but hey a wish is a wish)

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

— Marilyn Monroe

You know him as the bad parent. You hate him for what he had done to a child. Could he have a logical explanation behind his actions? Probably not; but, we sure can take a look into his side of story.


Roy's POV:

Slimming my way into the brightly lit entrance, I walked past the dancing bodies and the wafting smell of smokes and alcohol. People danced with no abandon as they twirled their bodies like snakes. A half naked girl could be seen dancing on the stage- she swayed her well proportioned hips with the booming song. I tried not to ponder on the fact that she would be dancing there within a span of an hour or two.

Pink and purple neon light showered over the sweaty bodies, giving the environment a vulgar touch. What an utterly unabashed display of shamelessness!

A girl or two tried to press their bosom to my chest. Paying them no attention, I made my way deeper into the cheap club. Two guards nodded at me, letting me in the barren area- quite contrary to the crowded place that was outside.

The lights became darker as I walked further into the club.

Excitement bloomed in me as I entered the stripper's club. Although I shouldn't visit her often, but my heart couldn't be helped.

She is my first love.

I stuffed a hand into my pocket, straitening my posture so that it didn't give away how nervous I was. I was shaking inside, the agitation and the nervousness I was feeling was beyond explainable.

I was going to confess my love today.

To her.


Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I slowly made my way into the dressing room. I wanted to steal her, I wanted to steal her away from the leering eyes of men- but today was her last day as a stripper. She promised me to quit this job, so I convinced myself to not to create a scene.

Does she love me too?

Maybe she didn't, maybe she did. Although, whatever she gave me after tonight, I would gladly take it- but still, it hurt me to imagine a life without her.

I don't think I could live without her. As melodramatic as it sounded, it was very true.

The fluttering in my heart got outrageously profound, to the point where I could hear the blood pounding in my veins.

I knew I was inadequate, I knew I wasn't perfect, but I would do whatever it took to keep her happy.

A sigh left me as I stopped behind the elusively decorated door. The door that led to her.

My skin felt tingly, the crawling sensation got more profound as the deafening sound of my blood running through my artery overpowered the sound of the loud knocks that resonated through the hallway.

A couple of females passed by me, giving me a knowing look. They knew my purpose of visiting this club every night, they knew my purpose of stopping in front of this room every night and standing for hours after hours.

I loosened my tie, unbuttoning the top button of my blue shirt. I wished to steal her from here, if only she would allow me to.

I knocked the door a couple of more times, shifting my weight over the right leg.

The door opened with a small squeak, the blinding golden light from the inside making me squirm. I looked down at the petite woman who was smiling at me.

"Roy..." Lindy smiled at me, her smile could rival the sun, "Weren't you supposed to leave for America today?"

"I was.." I trailed off, glancing around, looking for people, "Can I come in?"

"Uh- Sure....." She left the doorway, allowing me in. I let myself in, shutting the door.

"I want to tell you something..." I whispered, my heart swelling with joy. I looked down at her with a smile which she returned.

"Go on...." She encouraged.

"Well, uh-" Suddenly, I became more nervous than ever. I didn't want to ruin this for us.

Hell, I hadn't even told my dad.

The fear of him rejecting her was way too big.


She smiled at me kindly, "I won't judge you for whatever you have to say, Roy."

I gulped, my throat feeling constricted. "I.... I want to make you my wife, Lindy. Marry me?"

A blush of shock crept up her cheeks, her widened grey eyes screamed how taken aback she was. She froze, turning into a breathing statue.

"M-Marry you?" She stuttered cutely. If I wasn't dying by nervousness, I would have cooed at her.

"Yes.... I love you..." I stammered out, feeling my heart in my throat.

She looked down, fidgeting with her fingers.

Say something.

"What if- I say yes? Roy, I do not belong from an influential family, neither I am a girl of a great moral value. I am a woman who has to survive in order to live-"

I engulfed her in a hug, not giving her another chance to talk.

We were bound by the string of destiny. It had to be, if not, we wouldn't have met at the club all those months ago. Destiny brought us together, destiny will give us a happy ending.

"You have me to protect you.." I whispered, stroking the back of her head.

"Are you sure?" She pulled back, looking into my eyes. Her grey peruse was laced with questions and confusion. She seemed unsure.

"One hundred percent...." I stroked the side of her lips, gazing down at her as sincerely as possible, "Do you not...." I gulped with much hardship, "Do you not love me?"

She shook her head timidly, "I do."

My heart jolted upon hearing her confession. I could feel my throat constrict, I could feel my lungs burning as tears welled up in my eyes.

"You are crying, Roy...." She let out a teary laugh as she wiped away a drop of tear that dared to escape.

"I am just so happy....." I rubbed my eyes and gazed down at her, "I couldn't be happier."

"Is great..." She whispered as she took my hand and placed a kiss under my palm, "If you are sure, then okay. I will fight for us if it's necessary. I will.... be your wife."

My heart leaped as I gave her a crooked smile, "Just wait until I come back from America. I will take you to my father and announce you as my wife. I don't care what he says."

That was the most precious moment of my life. That was the happiest I had ever been. That was the only time I had felt like a human being rather than a heir or a card of play.

This moment is unforgettable. Love was truly magical, healing. I was glad that the woman I loved returned my feelings with as much as fervor as me and I couldn't be happier.

I was thankful to destiny, for us. For her.

And I intended to never let her go. This was our forever.

This was our love, sustaining us, making us alive.

What do you think??


Thank you for reading! Much love!

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