76: The Evaluation

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Do you want Marienne and Roseline together?

(^ I kept it, idk why)

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,

And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."

― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Rose's POV:

The lamprophony whispers of the wind soared throughout the whole room as Marienne stood there, fuming at the old maid. His cheeks had turned red, a vein in his neck popped up. His clenched fists were as white as a sheet of paper- he was ferocious.

Oh god.

He just fired Lindy.

My shocked gaze traveled to the said woman ever so slowly, I was nervous of what was to prevail next.

Lindy's characterization wasn't as empathic as it was when I had first seen her. She was a radiant and charming woman when I had first met her- even through my battered state, I had recognized it.

She seemed to have lost that glow as months passed by. I could tell her attempt to conceal it and she was doing a good job too- it's just that I could read people well.

Her behavior jumped back and forth between being really sweet and being really bitter. Sometimes she would throw one or two snide remarks at me and the next moment go back to her loving self.

It almost seemed like she was struggling, with something.

Lately, she has been pretty aggressive. Throwing stuff randomly here and there, yelling at the maids. I couldn't muster up the courage to ask her what was wrong and how could I help her.

At times she would seem so lost, staring blankly out of the window into a bundle of nothingness. That was the moment when she let the doors to her soul open. That was the only moment when one could observe the true looks of her eyes.


She would resemble a corpse then. A breathing corpse that seemed to have lost her soul. Her body did not react to anything, any calls. No one seemed to care, but I couldn't help but feel concerned for her.

She would go as long as hours without blinking or moving. She resembled a statue.

Her soul no longer radiated light, her eyes no longer shone with empathy and affection that she possessed for Marienne. A soul that possess no light, I refuse to call it one.

A shaky breath left me as I took in her ferocious gaze. I had never seen her so angry before. Her porcelain pale skin that was surely a subject of envy when she was younger turned red as she glared at Marienne.

That was the moment when I realized, no matter how old she was, no matter how shorter she was than Marienne, no matter how weak she might seem- the only person who could match Marienne Carlisle Victor in this mansion, was her.

She was not a Victor- but didn't seem any less intimidating than one.

"Firing me?" For a person as voracious as her, her voice sure was constricted, like she was trying her hardest not to explode. It was a mere whisper, the tune of the tone was disbelieving.

"Yes Madame," Marienne nodded, "You have done enough for me. You have sacrificed your whole youth taking care of me...." His voice wavered, like his throat was clogged, "You are what I could ever truly call a parent, aunt. When my parents left me..." He took a deep breath as he slowly proceeded to her, "It is you who loved me and showed what a real mother is supposed to look like. You were my shield when I was vulnerable. I know you would always want the best for me."

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