64: A Mother's Lament

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"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings."

— Anaïs Nin

Lindy's POV:

Every time I took a step forward, it felt like time had stopped.

It felt like my body had stopped feeling, all that existed there was numbness.

Things hadn't been the same without my son, I miss him every single moment.

I call out to him, but he doesn't listen. He doesn't answer me like he used to do. He doesn't come running at me, asking me what was wrong.

I tried to bury it, I tried to bury it deep into my soul. I wanted to leave it on karma- to have it's way....

But still...

My soul aches. My ears hearken my son's voice, his scream, his laughter, his smile. He was the only thing I had left.

I couldn't reach out and touch him, I couldn't play with his hair as he slept anymore.

I dragged myself to the tombstone. Sadly, his final resting place hadn't been along with those Victors, like he deserved.

Wealth won, power won- and love was defeated.

The tombstone was already half broken, but it had only been a couple of months. Seeing it made feel numb, broken. I placed the lavenders over his grave and let my body fall over.

My hands softly caressed the cement, as if it was his skin. I did it when he was a baby, he really loved it. He started crying loudly whenever I stopped doing it.

My voice was heavy, I thought I couldn't utter a single word, but I did.

"Ardent...." I choked, "Ardent..... Wake up, mom is here....."


He didn't come running to me, he didn't smile mischievously from afar. He didn't hug me like he used to do.

Not a single word, not a single whisper or laugh.

He was dead.

"I told you...." My voice broke as I felt my heart twisting in pain, "I told you.... to stay away from her..... I told you....."

A gust of formidable wind blew, throwing the lavenders off the grave. Maybe it was going to rain.

Wake up.

A sudden rush of rage coursed through me as I fisted my hands, clenching it. I gritted my teeth as I stared at the gravestone numbly.

He never listened to me! Never!

"I told you she was Marienne's! I told you to run away! But no!" I sobbed, my fists hitting the cement, "You don't listen! You don't listen!"

I felt my flesh tearing from the impact of the hit, but I kept on going, my tears running freely.

I still remember the first time I held him. He was this tiny, so small and fragile. He was a stubborn crybaby, he would always scream down the house if he didn't get his way.

He couldn't sleep without his wool blanket that his father gifted to him.

I remember the first time he had opened his eyes, they were a chocolate brown, just like his father. Although, I came to despise them on Roy Carlisle Victor, I loved them on him. He was my handsome baby boy.

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