77: Vengeance

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Two chapters were combined in this chapter.

77.1: The Resting Fire

"Only the dead have seen the end of war."

― Plato

Lindy's POV:

The smell of the soaked soil cloaked me like the green poison of my mind- I recognized it, it was slowly devouring my soul- dragging me into the chaos of purgatoric vengeance.

I recognized that it was wrong, wrong of me to reveal Marienne like that- but then again, it was his place to let Rose know that he had committed a murder- so I didn't really do anything wrong.

He was doing what the Victors were best at- manipulating.

Blood raged in my veins as the taxi sashayed past the murky road- the filthy water that sprayed along, reminded me of the filth of my soul.

Bitter pain crept in my heart as the hurtful realization dawned upon me. I turned into the very woman I feared of becoming one day.

Revenge is all I could think about, revenge is all that resided in my heart- echoed into my mind, engraved into my soul.

I didn't even have a soul anymore, they destroyed it long ago. A soulful person would never do the things I did.

The fact that I was not ashamed- disgusted me even more.

Goosebumps arose over my skin- partially from the cold, but mostly from the sudden reminder of my sins.

I was too far gone to repent, why not make the most use of it.

It all started with Roy. I regretted the day I met him. I wish I hadn't gone into that club that night, I wish I hadn't stopped in the middle of the road to give into his seduction. I wish I hadn't listened to him that night and kept him closer to myself.

I wish I still didn't love him.

You may call me backboneless, maybe a traitor, maybe a bitch or a coward- call me whatever you wish to; the thing is I was in so much pain. I do not have any word to justify myself, I have gone too far.

Do you know the kind of pain that numbs your soul, mind and body that can rip you off your abilities to think or even breath properly? I was in that kind of pain.

31 years ago while giving birth to my son, the only good thing that had ever happened to me- all I could think that, if I die- who would look after him. No one visited me that night, no one heard my screams of pain. I gave birth in the midst of a small room as the water ran from the roof due to rain.

They probably thought some girl was probably being molested. It happened in that locality a lot.

Ardent was my only joy in this whole world. I forgot the pain, the mistreatment- I forgot everything when I first saw his cute little face. He had inherited his father's eyes- but they were nothing like his father.

I thought Roy would be happy to see me, our son.

My eyes burned as a tear escaped me.

How wrong I was.

I should have seen it coming, I should have known that a marriage can never remain uneventful or platonic. I should have known they would fall for each other.

And Sarah bore the fruit of my once lover's newfound love. She was already pregnant.

I still remember how her eyes lit up with a cruor taunting look. As if she had finally snatched away her victory. Her face lit up with a cruel smile as she ever so mockingly wrapped her hand around Roy's bicep.

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