62.3: Questions

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Guys, this is an update but first I wish to tell y'all something. My father has been tested Corona positive, so there is a high chance of me and my family being tested positive as well. Although I don't feel anything but a slight itch in my throat- but still, I don't wish to deprive you of updates. Please pray for me so that I can continue to write.

"Happiness [is] only real when shared"

— Jon Krakauer (Into the Wild)

Marienne's POV:

The moment dragged like a silent sirenic sinfonietta. It was idyllic to relish in, but also, quite hectic as I prepared myself to utter the story I had been practicing for past two days.

The thing is, it had been quite embarrassing for me to cope up with the aftermath of my stupidity. Till this time, I couldn't figure out why did I kiss her. It was just a moment and what a moment it was!

I don't regret it to the least, but when I come to think about Rose, I couldn't help but feel guilty.

It was sweet, savory- exaggerated but a perfect combination of bitter and sweetness like an aromatic cup of tea. I didn't know for long I was going to live, but I was going to be sure to savor the moment for many decades to come.

An incredible amount of joy, a rush of plethoric euphoria, an angelic eunoia had conquered my soul when the divine sight of her being happy blessed my gaze. The mere sight of her made me realize that even though there is darkness in the world, there is also light. Her aura had something in it, something captivating that beaconed me like a moth.

As Rose licked her lips with anticipation, my mind couldn't help but wander off to that night.

the night when we lost ourselves into each other....

But I had to respect her, although it disheartened me, I had to stay away because she wished for me stay away. I couldn't pressurize her.

You can't make someone like you.

Just like I couldn't make Madeline love me.

One thing was verified after that heart wrenching kiss.

I did, indeed had developed a crush on the girl whom I had kept captive against her will.

"Marienne?" Rose mumbled softly, making me jolt out of my reverie.

I might have been too lost in my memories.

"Yes.... I will tell you... but first I need to tell you something...." I breathed, blinking for a couple of times.

Mon dieu I thought I was prepared for this?

"About me and.... Madeline. Some things you might not know. I want to keep it short...." I felt fire settling in my nerves as I revised the words in my head.

Madeline cheated on me with the guy who murdered her.


I think....

I like you.

"Go on..." Curiosity dripped in her voice as she observed me. I shifted uncomfortably, not finding any word to speak.

"Uh- You might be wondering why I had kissed you when I claimed to love Madeline...." I trailed off observing her reaction. I noticed her looking down as she played with her fingers.

"I thought it would be best to explain you clearly, so that you get more insight of my mind...." I quavered, hoping that she would listen me out. She nodded stiffly, allowing me to continue.

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