47: Epiphany of Bafflement

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Okay, so my friend was asking if I have any ship name for my characters. TBH, the idea of having ship names never crossed my mind considering how serious this story is and I really don't understand what is the purpose of it, but still, I can't deprive you.

So, for this book, if I had to choose names for Marienne and Rose it would be #Marise

"I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars."

― Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Rose's POV:

My childhood wasn't exactly the best, in fact, it was one of the worst. The epoch I was supposed to spend frolicking and joying around, was spent at apprehension, constantly fearing the beating that was bound to come later on.

I had three families, the first one had perished in an unfortunate accident, the second one snatched away my childhood. The memories that were supposed to be painted with glee and happiness; radiating the innocent color of childhood, was tainted by nightmares.

Nightmares that would make Beelzebub shiver.

I thought I was finally happy when my third family came around, a family consisting of only two members, me and this woman called Cassedy, who saved me, repaired me and filled me with hope for new life.

Apparently, it was decided that I wasn't supposed to have my happy life yet.

I was kidnapped, abused, tormented by a man who claimed me to be his fiancée's murderer. A fiancée who later turned out to be my long lost foster sister, a sister who suddenly came to be fond of me.

A baby.

My hollow of an existence finally seemed to have a meaning, a purpose. A sententious ray of warmth caressed my spirit that day when I found out I was pregnant, that was the very day I had realized that, I would have to live on. I would have to live, even if it wasn't for me.

I would have to live for my baby.

I never thought I could have a child to call my own, but here I was.

Somehow, I ended up vowing to it that I will protect it. I promised it the childhood I never had, I promised it the beauty of luxury I never had.

It's life suddenly became the most important to me.

And then I got to know 'it' was a 'him'. I still remember the tears of joy I had shed.

I started knitting my hopes again, little by little, like a tiny weaver weaving it's sanctuary to save itself from the coarse of weather. I started to heal.

My little world of hope came scrambling down, vanquishing under the deep opaque as the man who was the main subject of my nightmares reappeared.

Marienne came back. He had found me.

And my son that was the result of the besmirch conducted by god knows who.

When I saw him, two days ago at our house, I felt like the ground had opened up and was proceeding to swallow me whole. It was a nefarious feeling.

I felt sick to my core, I wanted to cry and throw up; I wanted to yell at him to go away.

But then, our eyes met.

I expected myself to cower away, I expected myself to freeze, I expected myself to faint.

What I didn't expect, was to have this sudden surge of power within me.

A rush of euphoria, supremacy, domination- I didn't expect myself to stand the ground and negotiate oh so calmly with him.

I gave it a thought; over and over again for the past two days. That day still seemed like a nightmare.... but it wasn't a nightmare.

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