65.2: Nightmares that Overshadow Fantasies

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"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

— John Lennon

Marienne's POV:

My feet trembled slightly as I carried myself to her room.

The third floor of the manor consisted only two rooms. It is said that, nobles who used to live here, used it as a spare room for their mistresses. The floor was designed in a round shape, so one can observe everything if one stood at any side of the floor.

My hands trembled slightly as I hesitated for a moment.

A brief look to see if she is okay that's all.

With a shaky hand, I creaked the door open- the dimly lit light from her room filling my vision immediately.

She always slept with lights on.

I had never asked her about it, but I had an idea why she hated darkness.

Me. It was me.

My breathing got heavier in anticipation as I let myself in the room.

"N-No....." A soft whisper froze me on my spot, my eyes widening.

"Don't....." The voice whispered miserably again.

She was having a nightmare.

My brain ceased to function for a while as I noticed her small body curled up under the blanket, desperately seeking it's warmth as she writhed under it.

She was fighting against her demons.

Suddenly, I could hear the sound of my blood pumping in my veins, it echoed into my ears along with her groans of agony.

Those birring sounds- they were her silent plea for help, her silent plea for someone to wake her up from her nightmares.

My fault.

It felt like I had teleported to a world of haze and illusion. Everything felt numb- like it was a phlegmatic pandemonium.

"Rose....." I called out, my voice choked.


It was a punishment.


I felt like a moribund, on the point of death, breathing my last- not feeling anything.

"Rose!" I called out in a teary voice..... my voice pleading.

Wake up.

You aren't in that nightmare anymore.

Please don't punish her for what I have done.


I will take my mantle of sin, I will atone for it.

Don't let her pay, please.

I strode to her bed and sat myself beside her. Her soft groans had become louder at this point.

You are safe, please wake up.

Not knowing what to do, I grabbed the hand that stuck out from inside, gripping it tightly.

It was as cold as ice.

I began to rub it harshly.

"Wake up Rose!" I called out softly, "Wake up...."

She shifted slightly as I noticed her hand trembling.

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