68: How to Heal a Scarred Mind

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This is Marienne's psychotherapy session.

"Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness."

— Allen Ginsberg

Marriene's POV:

"It will be fine...." I whispered to the raven haired beauty sitting beside me. She seemed nervous, with her cold fingers that trembled slightly under my palm and her pale face that was as white as a sheet of paper- it was a dead giveaway.

I smiled at her, in an attempt to ease her, ignoring my own palpitating heart which's ring of nervousness echoed loudly into the labyrinth of my ears. "Go." I whispered softly, firmly- leaving no room for any doubts she might had.

She let out a shaky breath, her lower lip trembling like a dry leaf in winter- nodding slightly. She stood up, for a moment I felt like my heart stopped as she stumbled on her feet.

I was about to get up and hold her- so that I could get her inside safely, but before I could do that, she composed herself and carried herself to the wooden door that was not far from our seats.

I gazed at her as she hesitated for a moment and then pushed the door open, letting herself in.

A feeling of something unfamiliar- yet, so familiar washed over me as I eyed the now closed door with disappointment.

What was I waiting for?

A 'Thank you'?

A 'Don't worry'?

Why would she utter those words to me? The person who is responsible for her problems?

For a moment, I eyed the door blankly. I felt like questioning my sanity for a moment as I contemplated joining her- then again there was never any doubt about my sanity.

I was insane, from beforehand.

I stretched my stiff limbs, letting out a yawn. I felt my joints losing it's jitters as I felt my body relax. For a moment, contemplated on whether to lie down on the empty row of metal seats as a sudden surge of tiredness washed over me.

Dear lord, I haven't had a good sleep in a while.

If I said the last night was hectic, it would be an understatement. Last night was the night when I finally had an eye opening after all these months. It made me realize how much of a coward had I been and how much my personality needed a work.

After her little breakdown, it dawned upon me that I was so used to have what I wanted- it made me forget that how it feels like to achieve something through hard work.

I was expecting a shower of diamond from a coal mine- I forgot that coals needed time to turn into diamonds.

I craned my neck side by side- trying to overcome the lack of sleep. If you ask me why didn't I take a coffee, that is because I was too indulged in something this morning.

Last night, after Rose drifted off to sleep, I carried myself to the sofa and laid down there, watching for any disturbance she might display in her sleep. The more I watched her under the dim light of the lamp, the more I became fascinated with her.

Her small face, a set of small lips that had a prominent cupid's bow, a roman nose that was always held up whenever she showed defiance and turned as red as a blood orchid whenever she cried- her long lashes that fanned her cheekbones as she slept soundly, a suitable forehead that displayed a pimple- her luscious locks of jet black hair that was spread as she slept straightly, facing the ceiling.

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