72: When We Mingle Together

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.....We become one.

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

— Robert A. Heinlein (Stranger in a Strange Land)

Rose's POV:

"We are going to amusement park today."

I gaped at Marienne, ignoring the drool that ran along my face as I turned at my right, pressing more into the bed.

My eyes drifted from his fully dressed laying form to the open window at his behind. The glass pane was open, allowing a generous amount of light in. The white chiffon curtains fluttered in the mild breeze- I could feel a shiver running down my body.

I looked back at him, only to find him staring down at me with a small smile. I paused for a moment and took him in, the soft chirping of the birds faded as my mind indulged in him.

He wore a black t-shirt and a black leather jacket. His hair was messy- yet it looked perfect on him. Some of it fell over his forehead, making him look younger than he actually was.

A gang leader or maybe one of those bad boys every romance novel had- he looked like one of them.

He looked too handsome for someone so messed up.

"What?" I muttered groggily, it took my sleep induced brain a while to process his earlier words.

Judging from my position in the bed and the amount of pillows that rested around me, I think we did, indeed slept at this bed together.

The events slowly began to unfold themselves inside my head, one by one, like separated movie frames. It was like a distorted album inside my head.

"We are going to amusement park today..." He shot me a glowing smile, "You are going to love this."

I frowned as I rubbed my eyes, groggily, "Why?"

"The doctor said I should keep you stress free, as much as I can-" He shrugged, "I figured after your hectic day, you could use some destressing."

I let out a small groan, grabbing the fluffy pillow that separated him and me, not liking the idea of jumping and joying around. Honestly, I wanted to stay in my bed the whole day after last night's crying session, I guess that wouldn't be possible now.

Also, I couldn't help but feel nervous at the fact that he was going to bring me to the amusement park.

I had never been to an amusement park.

As a child, I had this constant fear of being hunted down- visiting a crowded place would only heighten that. The fear of being spotted by one of those men and being taken away and receive a punishment worse than death- the fear that haunt me killed me every single moment.

The fact that I couldn't bear human contact only added to my reason. I would have a panic attack even if someone touched me accidentally. I would start having flashbacks. Needless to say, I had refrained myself from visiting public places and doing what other kids of my age did.

My mama did not have the money to have me home schooled, so, I had to attend a school. Albeit it took me a couple of years to grow immune to human touches- I still did.

And by the time I had grown completely past my traumas and panic attacks- I looked back and my childhood had already gone by, leaving me to continue the achromic path.

I never had the leisure being a child. Now, when I looked back at the dreary road I left behind, it all seemed like a hoax of my mind.

It was as if I was trapped inside a dark box void of light the whole time and suddenly was released in the outer world that was full of colors and light- the joys of life.

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