61: Atavistic

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Atavistic (adj): Relating to a person or a feeling that has happened in the past.

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

― Mae West

Rose's POV:

A shiver ran down my spine as I wrapped the warm jacket around me tightly. The harmonious thrum of rain resonated as the car ran along the solemn road. My clothes uncomfortably clung to my skin as I felt the coldness seeping into my very nervous system.

Soaking in rain was a bad idea.

So was kissing Marienne.

But he kissed me so....

And I am not going to lie to myself, I might have enjoyed it a little bit. It was purely a physical reaction.

The awkward silence that wafted in the car could be cut through knife if attempted, that combining along the gut-wrenching fact that we were alone in the car and he was my only hope in that solemn French castle-like mansion made my heart palpitate.

I sniffled, a tingly feeling of something feathery waving in my nostrils made me shudder.

Things became painfully awkward and embarrassing after pushing him aside. He didn't utter a single word as he followed me as I strode straight to the car- not looking back once, neither attempting to talk to him.

And now, I was hungry. I couldn't even let him know that.

I admit that it took two to tango, but he kissed me in the first place. Why would he do that?

He once said I didn't have to worry about Madeline, he never explained why, like yes, she cheted on him, but did he turn off his love like a switch?

If that was the case, I highly doubted his level of empathy he displayed.

Madeline, for whom he tortured an innocent girl, for whom he kept a girl captive without any logical explanation or evidence.....

"He is a psychopath....." A small voice in me hummed.

I agreed completely. I thought he was trying to become better, but him kissing me out of the blue.....

An infuriated sigh escaped me as I looked out of the window, sleep and hunger beginning to consume me slowly. That along with the cold.

It still doesn't overshadow the fact he tortured me.

The heavy shower had morphed into a constant drizzle, the pitter-patter hum along with occasional thunder strikes and wind made me wonder if it was going to cease raining at all.

What time was it anyway?

I narrowed my eyes at the TV screen which read 11:35 PM.

My skin crawled as I recalled the impromptu kiss. It was sudden, sinful, delicious- it was coming from him.

It was shocking, unraveling. It caught me off-guard, it scared me, yet, it made me feel.

It was my first proper kiss if I didn't count the body tingling kiss he gave me while he was keeping me captive.

If I didn't count all those kisses....

Bile rose up within me as my heart rate began to pick up. That man, he..... he just...

My foster father.

A numb feeling crawled inside me. It felt like there were thousands of ants... crawling inside me, feasting on my trauma.

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