60. Expressive

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Chapter 60 - Expressive

"Yes, I've already agreed it was fishy, Harry," Hermione already sounded so annoyed that I figured I wouldn't even have to start lecturing my brother - she'd end up doing it for me. My brother, Ron, Hermione and I were all cozied up in Ginny's room; considering I refused to leave bed, they had decided to come to me. I think they were just trying to prepare me for the onslaught of students I was about to have to face, during the train ride tomorrow and the NEWT level classes we would start the day after. My brother, as he had been every day for the past two weeks, was sitting and blabbering on about Malfoy once again. "But haven't we agreed there could be a lot of explanations?"

"Like him buying that old wardrobe?" I joked flatly, "we all know he has more clothes than all of us combined."

"Right, or maybe he's broken his Hand of Glory," Ron agreed, cleaning up his broomstick. "Remember that shriveled-up arm Malfoy had?"

"Ugh, I hated that thing," I muttered, knowing that it wasn't the only thing I hated about Malfoy - like him constantly being mentioned for two weeks. I couldn't escape the arse. "He was always so proud of it..."

"You would know," Ron said, sending me a wicked smirk that reminded me devastatingly of his brothers, Fred and George. "Did he ever use that hand to-"

"Stop that thought or I'll use some real energy to beat you up the Muggle way," I warned, cutting in before any real damage could be done. I didn't need my brother hearing jokes like that - even though they were not true, I would not put it past him to panic. The ginger snorted, ignoring my threat before he turned back to fixing the bent straws of his broomstick. My brother, though taking the time to look disgusted, was not done ranting about his suspicions of the boy in question.

"But what about when he said, 'Don't forget to keep that one safe'?" Harry nearly whined, begging for someone to take his accusations a bit more seriously. "That sounded to me like Borgin's got another one of the broken objects, and Malfoy wants both."

"You reckon?" Ron asked, deciding to humour him.

"Yeah, I do," my brother was starting to sound seriously annoyed with our lack of interest.

"Maybe he has three, or four, hell, maybe Borgin is saving the last in a set," I added with a roll of my eyes. "Honestly, I don't see why it's any of our business."

"You didn't think that when you told us to follow him," Ron pointed out.

"I didn't tell you to follow him, in fact I told you not to!" I reminded. "Maybe one of you should be taking the time to snog him - you're as obsessed with him as Parkinson is."

Ron made a face, but Harry ignored the jibe altogether to continue his rant again. "Malfoy's father's in Azkaban. Don't you think Malfoy'd like revenge?"

"Of course he would," I answered simply. "He'll probably try for it, as well."

"Malfoy, revenge?" Ron asked doubtfully, looking at me with only a hint of worry compared to the skepticism on his face. "What can he do about it?"

"That's my point, I don't know!" Harry groaned irritatedly. "But he's up to something and I think we should take it seriously. What do you think he'd try, Audrey, you know him best-"

"She certainly does," Hermione mumbled vaguely into the pages of her book. I made a face.

"Really, you too, Hermione? I thought you'd be more mature about this-"

"It's none of my business who you flirt with," she responded easily, refusing to look up from her reading. "But you can't deny you've done it. I was simply making an observation."

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