15. Not All Is Gold

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Chapter Fifteen - Not All Is Gold

"I found it!" George announced excitedly as he ran to the table we were occupying, hitting my arm harshly on the way. Fred, Theodore and I rushed over to him, crowding over the large, dusty library book he had set in front of us. I tried not to sneeze from the particles still floating around our heads as I took in deep breaths - was this it? Was this my answer? Fred put a hand on my shoulder encouragingly when he saw me fighting back what he probably thought was a yawn and I smiled at him - it was the first moment since the ball I felt relieved he was close.

We had been in the library all weekend since I had found out the egg's song. Daphne refused to be in the presence of my 'blood traitor pets' but Theodore was much more willing to put such stupid qualms aside so we could save my life and all. I had been inspired the day after my run-in with Peeves the poltergeist to look for books on creating body doubles. The books we had found so far are all saying how the magic was illegal in many countries, including Great Britain, and now we were looking for alternatives - if this idea pulls through, I'll be sure to brew Peeves all the dung bombs he will ever need.

"Look, right here: Astral projection is the ability for a witch or wizard to separate their mind from body and create an intelligent, living creature-copy of themselves with which to send on spiritual journeys." George read aloud. Fred high-fived him and I let out a deep breath, that was most definitely a start.

"But this isn't a spiritual journey," Theodore said quickly. "She needs to be able to refrain from breathing and still do magic."

"It says an 'intelligent, living creature-copy' and it's separating mind from body - is magic something from the mind or from the body?" Everyone looked at each other cluelessly before I sighed, knowing where the answer would be.

"Oi, Granger!" I yelled, half the library turning to look at me, still there was only one bushy head that looked much more annoyed than the others - I walked towards it quickly. "I have a question as related to what is probably in Hogwarts: A History."

Hermione smiled her new smile, thanks to Malfoy expanding her teeth and her genius to let Madam Pomfrey shrink them until they were as she liked them. "Then I can help you, though next time please don't yell in the library. I hate to think what would have happened had I been concentrated..."

"By that, you mean you wouldn't have heard me and I would have kept yelling?"

"Precisely." She nodded, giving me a stern look.

"Well, it's just one question and then I'll leave you be. In any of the many books you've read, did you ever learn the difference between mind and body magic? Where does our magic actually come from?"

She looked a little shocked. "Well, it's never really been proven as either, to be honest. If it were something in our body, then that would mean it would be hereditary - but then the scholars presume there wouldn't be muggleborns or squibs. On the other hand, it's been argued that it can't be from the mind because of things that happen in hospitals: magic happening to those in a coma or those who are brain dead. Sometimes they see that graves have flowers growing years after the person has died, but the body is gone at that point."

"Creepy," I thought of my own grave stone and for the first time I did not get excited over the ideas of having flowers. "So, what do you think?"

"Neither, I believe magic is life. I believe that our magic is an essence all its own - closely linked with the soul." I raised my eyebrows, it was only a year or so ago that I had been forced to believe in something as ridiculous as a 'soul' and that was only because the Dementors were trying to kiss mine out of me.

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