80. Alliances

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Chapter 80 - Alliances

"You're late," Daphne stated simply, looking calm and collected when she finally pulled away and glanced from Bill to me. "You're trembling. I take it something went wrong since-"

"Wait," Bill stated, grabbing my arm forcefully and pulling me farther away from Daphne. He raised his wand right to her eye-level, not even registering Daphne's shocked expression.

"Bill, what are you-"

"Who did you speak to when you asked to help the Order and how?"

"Sirius Black," Daphne responded, her face had fallen as if she wasn't surprised she was being interrogated. "And I talked to him through one of those annoying little Pygmy Puffs I ordered from the Weasley twins."

Bill didn't lower his wand, his eyes narrowed. "You still could have been the one who betrayed us."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Weasley. Just because I'm a Slytherin doesn't mean-"

"You're the newest and the one with the most incentive to turn over on the lot of us!"

"Why are you so paranoid?" She sneered, finally looking like the Daphne I remembered. She even popped out her hip and crossed her arms, her look of distaste immeasurable. "I don't recall giving you a reason not to trust me."

"They knew," Bill stated firmly, his voice low. "They were ready for us when we left with them."

Daphne's expression melted into one of horror, her arms even dropped.

"Salazar's snakes," she cursed, looking at him with a new understanding. "Has everyone - oh, Audrey, is that what happened to your hand?"

"No," I answered briefly, taking a look at the burn on my hand. It looked nasty and I had a feeling once I took the time to pay attention, it would feel even worse. "That was Voldemort."

She winced at the name. "What do you mean?"

"I burnt his face," I told her quickly. "But this is nothing...Mad-Eye Moody's gone."

"Gone?" She repeated, giving me a look as if to try to get me to explain, but something on my face must have warned her off of further digging into the subject. I walked further into the room, looking up and down the walls as if spells were going to start dripping from them; I didn't trust those boundary spells enough.

"Have you heard from any of the others?"

"No," she responded, not showing her usual offense while Bill walked right past her and into the house without acknowledging her again. "Your Port Key's already left. I was worried, but Sirius warned me it could happen. I'd never thought..."

"I'll make another," Bill stated. "Is there anything I can use?"

"Take whatever you want," she waved her hand vaguely towards the entirety of the old, dreary house. "It's not mine, anyway."

"A good point; whose house have we infiltrated?" I asked, looking around at the gray, cob-webbed infested room we had moved to stand in. It was a plain house - quite obviously abandoned; the layers of dust were caked to every surface, the wood beneath our feet creaked and made the furniture that was covered much more eerie. It almost felt as if the room was still inhabited by the ghosts of the past owners - I had no doubt the rest of the house copied the mood.

"It was Theodore's grandparents from his Mother's side. She outlived them, for the short time she lived at all. No one wanted it after she died," she looked around as if she were seeing the house for the hundredth time - which was impossible considering the dust that showed only her newest set of footprints. "I thought it would be a good place that no one would think of looking for."

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