36. The Miracles of Mab

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Chapter 36 - The Miracles of Mab

Waking up on Saturday morning felt like a strange new world. Knowing what I was planning to do, that I was planning on working as a spy against Umbridge and whatever plans she would have against my brother - or at least plans worse than branding him with his own writing - almost made me feel giddy and uplifted compared to the entirety of the week before.

Of course I wasn't stupid, the thought of why she would be calling me a traitor was sure to play on repeat in my mind near constantly. I would probably be found out for my spying, or maybe I would end up having to save Harry and she would call me a traitor for that - either way, I couldn't see a scenario that wouldn't make this all worth the risk. As bad as it would be to be found out for working against her - while working with her. Her being upset enough to call me a traitor still meant that I brought something in her plans apart...and after seeing the writing on Harry's hand, that was enough motive for me.

I did get an earful by the time I had made it down to the common room, however. Adrien Pucey was absolutely livid with me - which I guess was fair considering Slytherin Quidditch tryouts were this afternoon and I had intentionally ripped the seeker's good hand open. I was surprised that it wasn't the team captain - Montague - to be sharing these angry feelings with me, but I guess Pucey's anger may have stemmed from the fear of my retaliation of his long-time girlfriend Alya. Still, I took it all in stride, not able to take the bounce out of my step while I moved to the Great Hall. It was almost a liberating feeling, knowing that I was now a spy. It was almost like I was doing something for once.

Maybe this was why people joined causes like the Order.

Maybe it really was a good feeling to make a difference...still didn't plan to be doing it often, but maybe it was. Besides, I didn't feel any want to fight in a war - wars were not really my style. I would, however, love to undermine and slowly strip down the power of certain individuals using cunning, stealth, and a lot of mischief.

"Oh yeah," I thought aloud, drawing the attention of the people around me. I had barely noticed that I had sat myself between Theodore and Lillian or that across from me sat Tracey and Daphne. Unlike most mornings, Crabbe and Goyle weren't anywhere near me. They must have stuck around Malfoy who predictably was not sitting anywhere near me this morning. Tracey had been freed from the hospital wing after my prefect rounds last night and had explained that Malfoy had not ratted me out to Pomfrey...something I would have to interrogate him for later.

"Oh yeah, what?" Lillian asked.

"I still haven't plotted my revenge," my eyes flickered over to where Parkinson, Bulstrode, and Alya sat several seats away from me. None were looking my way - a rarity of late.

"Is revenge really necessary?" Daphne asked nervously, her eyes following mine. "I mean, I know what they did was wrong, trust me, I do-"

"Do you?" I asked darkly. She cleared her throat.

"Yes, I do. But do you really want to exacerbate things by drawing attention to the rivalry? I mean, these aren't Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs you're revenging yourself with - these are Slytherins. They like revenge just as much as you do and they're not as noble about how they do it."

"Not to mention we happen to room with them and they have access to all our things," Tracey added. I looked at her, blinking my eyes as my mind started to race. It was so simple...it was so simple, how could I have not thought of it before? Fred and George would be ashamed it took me so long to come up with this plan and yet...it was so perfect, I couldn't even be upset that it had taken so long. It would be worth it in the end.

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