16. Body And Mind

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Chapter Sixteen - Body And Mind

"You're early."

"I'm excited." I corrected, looking at Snape who, as always, was sat behind his desk and marking up papers with unfair scores. From what I could see, it looked like he was working on some higher level potions students. I gauged this by how long the parchment was and how difficult all the instructions seemed to be - I felt the urge to take a peak at it, though decided against it. I was here on official Triwizard business. "Did you read the passages I showed you?"

"I did not need to. I am quite familiar with this method of magic."

My jaw dropped. "Can you do cantated magic, professor?"

"Certainly not this kind," he told me, his eyes shamelessly glaring at me. "Which is why you shouldn't get your hopes up."

"But professor, we know that I already seem to catch on quickly to cantated magic. Speechless spells are a breeze for me and sometimes I can even do wandless conjuring." I reminded him. "No need to be such a Negative-Neville."

"Speechless spells are not cantated magic, Potter," his shook his head to make the point clear. "But you are right about having a bit of advantage with your wandless pursuits. Be that as it may, you cannot direct or fully control what little cantated magic you have managed. Not many can - that is why we learn incantations." He explained. "And I am not being negative, you are being pig-headed and arrogant."

"I am not!" I argued quickly. "I just know that if there is any type of magic I can learn in under a month it is going to be this one. Besides, it's the only option I have."

"And why is that?"

I felt my face grow hot. "I'm afraid of water, sir."

"You're afraid of water?" His voice was not only patronizing but had a touch of disbelief thrown into it. His mimic of my words were slow and deliberately rude which made me flush in embarrassment and stumble over my response.

"The task, the second task, you need to be able to survive underwater for an hour and go searching for something. I'm terrified of water, I can't-" I shook my head. "Professor, I will not actually be able to bring myself to jump into that water. This is the only way I can think that I don't have to. Besides...I can't swim."

"Hm," he grumbled, looking far more serious about putting what I said into consideration. "And all that you just said is true?"

"Yes, sir. When I was younger, I used to make the pipes burst when I was scared - they started putting me under the kitchen sink so that I'd stop. But I'd just burst those as well...I almost drowned."

He looked away from me for a moment, a hard expression passing over his face. Though he would never admit it to me, I knew he was imagining the scenario and also what he would do to my guardians had he been there to stop the torture. I welcomed his protective side - he and Theodore seemed to be the only people in the school who felt the need to care for me.

"Before we begin, you should remember that this is unlikely to work. More powerful witches and wizards have tried and failed." I nodded. "Even I have not dabbled this deeply into this form of cantated magic. It will not be a pretty experience."

"All I'm asking you to do is show me the ropes - I'll try to do the rest on my own." I assured, he smirked at me slightly, putting away his grading so he was able to stand up.

"Astral projection or Astral travel is the manifestation of an Astral body, separate from the physical body that you currently possess. It is the separation of the physical consciousness from magical ability, so while your physical body will stay centered and grounded, your Astral body will be free to journey where it pleases."

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