2. The Triwizard Tournament

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Chapter Two - The Triwizard Tournament

"So my Slytherin informants," I announced loudly as I entered the compartment where my best friends sat, awkwardly talking to each other. "What's the Dark Mark mean?"

I almost felt sorry for making my two friends sit in the same compartment, Slytherins or not, not all of us got along just because of blood status and money. Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass were complete opposites. Theodore being on the verge of too shy and open-minded to be comfortable around Daphne, who was very into her pureblood beliefs and keeping mainstream with the best of the Slytherins. I was known to bring out both the best and the worst in the duo - particularly with my bold conversations. Everyone knew that I hated tagging along with the mainstream Slytherins, like Theo, but they also knew that I hated submitting to whatever insults people tried to throw at me, like Daphne.

We were quite a volcanic triad.

"And to think," Daphne sighed as she rolled her eyes. "I was just saying how I wanted a quiet year that didn't involve your brother getting into trouble."

"You said nothing about her getting into trouble," Theodore pointed out. I crossed my arms as I wormed my way to sit in the corner of the compartment beside Daphne and looked pointedly to both of them, not letting Circe distract me as she jumped on me and rested her head on my knees.

"Just answer the question." I growled, rolling my eyes dramatically. I watched as Daphne and Theodore looked at each other nervously, as if they were conspiring against something that wasn't supposed to be spoken of. They even leaned forward as if they needed to be more quiet.

"Well, the Dark Mark being cast, like at the Cup, well...it normally means someone's dead." Theodore whispered quietly. "It's how they let people know."

"So why was it cast at the Cup? No one turned up dead." I thought suspiciously, all funny pretenses and jokes had dropped by now and the three of us were very serious.

"I don't know," he shrugged, leaning back in his seat and rubbing his hands against his knees.

"Maybe it was to live up old times? Ignite the flame?" Daphne offered.

I sat back and thought through as many of the little flashes I had seen - had there been any danger? I remember the most vivid - the man going towards Harry. I hadn't told him I'd had a vision, and I certainly haven't told him that I saw a vague description of the man who had somehow been so threatening without having said a word. I remembered that Harry was on a broom and I remembered Malfoy smirking at me...but I couldn't think of anything else I had seen. It was the thing that sucked most about my premonitions - it was just as rare to remember them as they were to have in the first place.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling."

"Don't say that!" Daphne gasped, reaching over and touching my arm. I shrank away from her instantly - she should have known that I hate being touched by now. "Everytime you say that something goes terribly wrong."

"No it doesn't," I snorted. "Don't be so dramatic."

"It kind of does, Drea." Theo winced. "Don't mean to be down or anything, but we've yet to have a calm year and you always say you have a bad feeling."

"Maybe I just always have bad feelings," I offered with a shrug, scootching to the edge of my seat so that I could rest my feet across the aisle and next to him. Theodore rolled his eyes but did not shove them away.

"You could just be turning into Trelawney." Daphne muttered. I widened my eyes at her and balled up a piece of parchment from my pocket to throw it at her.

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