74. Quiet Truths

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Chapter 74 - Quiet Truths

"I just don't understand what more I can do," I whined, my voice airy as I tried to keep myself quiet to all the surrounding ears. "Firenze even came and gave me that same nonsense about 'separating myself' and 'clearing my mind', but like hell will I let Snape wiggle through there - a girl has to have her privacy!"

"You didn't mind showing off last year," Harry mumbled, keeping his eyes on the fireplace in front of him. There was no stopping the roll of my eyes and the appreciative glance at Hermione as she sighed heavily from the seat beside me. At least I wasn't alone in thinking my poor excuse for a brother was being immature. Actually, immaturity might not have even covered it - Harry had been a right arse during this entire visit. Here I was, trying to reach out and be somewhat sisterly - as well as distract him from that damned map while Draco finally left the bloody Room of Requirement for some sleep, but never mind that - and there he was being completely rude about the entire encounter. We were still twins; something that he seemed to easily forget.

"Well last year we didn't have things like Horcruxes to worry about," I explained to him in hushed tones, happy that it sounded as convincing as if I were telling him he was stupid. "I don't really want Snape poking through all that information, do you?"

Harry gave a sour grimace - if there was one thing I could always count on, it was his distrust for all the people I tended to trust the most. Including myself, apparently.

"Wow," Ron said again, lost in his own thoughts. "It's just so crazy. The two of you are actually going to go with Dumbledore...and try and destroy..."

He trailed off. Apparently because saying Voldemort's name was hard enough for him he also was unable to speak a word that hinted towards having a part of his soul in it. To be fair, that was more understandable - Voldemort was a git but this new little piece of information was just plain creepy.

"I'm not actually helping them find them. My jobs in the destroying part," I smirked up at the ceiling dreamily, much like Ron had been. "It makes sense, really - who else can cause such massive destruction?"

"Without meaning to, or just for laughs?" Harry asked me, his voice low.

"You say that as an insult," I told my twin with a straight face. "But I take that as a compliment."

"Ron, you're making it snow," Hermione mumbled, grabbing his wrist and redirecting his wand somewhere that it wouldn't make as much trouble. She was right, it had started snowing. I leaned a little bit closer to the fire in case I should expect a temperature drop but none came, it was still as toasty and warm as the Gryffindor common room always felt - a definite change from my own common room.

"Oh yeah," Ron muttered, dusting off his shoulders and then moving to ruffle the snow out of his hair. "Sorry. Looks like we've all got horrible dandruff now..."

While Ron took the time to brush some of the snow off of Hermione's shoulder, he didn't have time to stop Lavender's beady eyes watching the action and bursting into tears. Ron took a moment to look guiltily away from his girlfriend's wails and red-rimmed eyes before leaning closer to Harry and me.

"We split up," he explained out of the corner of his mouth as if Lavender would try to read his lips. "Last night, when she saw me coming out of the dormitory with Hermione. Harry was with us under the cloak, but obviously she couldn't see him, so she thought it had just been the two of us."

"Scandal," I smirked, winking over to Hermione who turned a vibrant shade of red. "If this is how she reacts to a walk around the castle I can only imagine what would have happened had she found out about our passionate little affair, Ronald."

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