14. Hear Say

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Chapter Fourteen - Hear Say

"It's never been done before now," Daphne was still in awe. "It is January 6th and you still haven't been given a detention for nearly blowing up Snape's storage cupboards! It's unheard of."

"I'm a snake charmer," I joked, looking over at Theodore and secretly rolling my eyes towards him again. She had been saying this all day after Snape had said nothing in potions about a make-up detention after I had gotten out of cleaning the Great Hall after the Yule Ball. As we walked down to dinner, I checked nervously to see if he was already sat down – which he was. Obviously, as we were disturbingly late thanks to Daphne's vivid recounting of her latest date with Terrence.

"Oi, Potter," Malfoy said with a smirk. "Hear about your big-arsed friend?"

Now normally I would just shoot him my favourite fingers, but I was still angry and – though I would never admit it embarrassed – for near kissed experience. I knew that whatever insult I threw at him would not be able to fully enunciate my hatred for him at this time without making me go cherry red. So instead, as I couldn't help the tight jaw that wanted to snap at him, I thought of my next greatest enemy. I got some potatoes on my plate as I responded with a tsk. "Oh, Malfoy, I would hardly call Pansy my friend."

"Hey!" She hissed, hearing the insult immediately. The arrogant ass didn't even try to defend her, of course. His shimmering silver eyes proved that he was on some sort of mission.

"Oh no, I was talking about your giant arsed friend." At the roll of my eyes, he continued. "I'd assume you didn't hear about how that oaf Hagrid has been found out to be a half-giant? Straight from the savages mouth!"

My eyes flickered to him dangerously, unable to stop from glaring. I had heard of the article and took the time to burn it in the Slytherin common room this morning when Daphne had read it aloud and then handed to me for further inspection. I should have known that it wouldn't escape his attention for too long, but there had been a part of me that had hoped he may not have really cared to try learning how to read.

Alya had told me how bad being part giant was. She had explained how frowned upon it was as well as how violent and dangerous giants were considered – it was worse prejudice than I had even read about. I couldn't help but glance up to the staff's table, but of course Hagrid was nowhere in sight. Poor man, I'd have to drag Theodore to come visit him with me today. I couldn't help but sneer at Malfoy's obvious excitement.

"He'll be sacked for sure," he beamed when I had looked back at him.

"If he is sacked, I'll be sure to sack you right where Pansy pretends to shine," I hissed, pretending to look down at his groin. "I know this is your fault. That quote on the Hippogriff was ridiculous."

"Oh, so you have read it?"

"I didn't dignify it with my time. It was read aloud as we got ready this morning, I couldn't help but overhear." I admitted with a look towards Lillian down the table as she started to eat carefully. She didn't want anyone to be angry with her and it was wise to avoid mine and the serpent's gaze.

"That hippogriff was dangerous, just like the blast-ended skrewts he created – against wizarding law! You need a permit to cross-breed, you know." He informed.

"Do you? How did your parents go about getting one then, did it take the whole nine months?"

His face reddened. "He'll be run off all the way to the mountains with the rest of the beasts. Then you won't be so high and mighty."

"But all I've done is taken a lesson or two from you. Sorry if I set the bar too high," I smiled. Finishing my potatoes, I couldn't make myself feel any hungrier and looked at Theo for a moment before I patted my rucksack and the hard egg that was awkwardly cradled within it. "I'm off to journey about. I have some research to do."

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