19. Attack of the Blondes

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Chapter Nineteen: Attack of the Blondes

The news that Barty Crouch was found dead spread through the school like fiendfyre. Apparently my brother had been the one to find the body, which sent rumours flying about like rabies infested owls within the common room. I ignored them like I ignored everyone else. The common room had never been a pleasant place to me, which was probably a majority of the reason I was so annoyed with it when I had locked myself within it's confines. It also could have been the attention I was getting from other Slytherins - whether they be the ones who were so proud of my hard work, the ones who hated my brother and appreciated that I beat him in that task, or the ones who wanted to interrogate me on Astral projection and how I had been able to do it.

The two Slytherins I expected to be around, however, seemed to have taken an absence in my life. Daphne and Theodore were ditching me - or rather, Daphne was ignoring me and tugging Theodore along in her methods. Anyone with eyes could have seen it and sadly, they all seemed to. They, of course, being in reference to the hierarchy of the House - Malfoy and his entourage.

Malfoy himself had luckily taken to ignoring me thanks to his loss of the bet. As much as I was sure he wanted to gloat about being right about my relationship - or lack thereof - with the Weasleys, he seemed too terrified over his personal sex appeal. Sadly, his absence left Parkinson clear as day to annoy the piss out of me. Millicent always backed her up, sometimes Daphne stood behind them and ignored the abuse like she was a Grade O witch in bitch. Jackie Gorns and Mafalda Hopkirk - the poorer versions of the Bitches of Slytherin - usually just averted their eyes; they were too scared of me to have any input.

On this particular day, six days after the task, I was sitting by the fire later at night pretending to work on my potions essay. Truth is, with all my free time I had finished it hours before, but I didn't want to go to my shared dormitory with Daphne yet and I couldn't head to the library because I was also ignoring the Gryffindorks. To be honest, my outburst at the task had humiliated me and I was never one to admit when I was wrong. I didn't want to go up and apologize when, though unorthodox and unnecessary, I had been right with my outburst. Harry did always get rewarded for his impulsiveness while I was reprimanded for my inabilities that could not be helped.

In the end, the arse shouldn't have been stupid enough to believe that the hostages would be killed without his brave deed-of-the-day. It was moronic and absolutely expected, which was possibly why it was so insulting. I had worked for weeks to find a real solution to the task. He had shoved some stolen weed into his mouth and hoped for the best. Since when was bravery better than intelligence, or determination better than talent?

Since it was Harry flipping Potter that did it. Because when Harry was brave, he got a house cup - when I was brave I got detention for hexing someone who insulted my friend in the hallway. When Harry was determined, he helped solve mysteries and got his picture in the Prophet - when I was brave I got criticized for my mistakes...because Harry never made those. No, Harry Potter never made mistakes like thinking that the professors were fans of murdering classmates, trying to hunt down a serial killer, fighting a bloody basilisk, or living to break every school rule because he's not a cat and his curiosity had yet to kill him.

As I was contemplating the increasing amount of negative feelings towards my twin, I felt something very solid slam against the couch beside me. I was already curled up facing the fire, but the shock of it made me jump slightly before looking at what had intruded on my thoughts . It was the book I had given Snape on Astral projection.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to my parchment and scratching over words I had already written. "If you want to know how I did it, read the book and try it for yourself. I don't like interviews."

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