99. Fraudulent

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Chapter 99 - Fraudulent

I couldn't have been happier ignoring the Gryffindors for the rest of my life, if that was something I would have been able to do. Of course it wasn't, but it was something I put a lot of my time and effort into trying to accomplish anyway. For the most part of our short time together, each of them wisely left me on my own. I had a lot on my mind and for whatever reason, it seemed that they could sense it on me. While Ron continued to let them know everything we had accomplished in his time away and what it could mean for our cause of defeating Voldyshorts, I was already working on our next steps.

Maybe they wouldn't like that I was getting a head start, but I couldn't help myself. Hermione may have had brains, but she was not always a tactician thanks to her extremely strict morals. Luckily, I did not have such limitation. If we went back to the beginning of all of this, the main purpose I had been so destructive at all had been to keep the Death Eaters off the Golden Trio's scent. Now that I was here, that certainly wouldn't be effective.

Would the Order continue that effort? Would they continue being so impetuous in my absence? While history indicated they would not, everything in me hoped they would. I could only hope that the twins would carry on my legacy...in a way, I had learned all of this from them in the first place.

It wasn't long before I had come to a decision, though - one decision in which I knew the golden Gryffindors would not agree. Action needed to be taken and if no one else would demand it, I had no problems being the dictator.

When I walked up to them to finally air out the details the next day, they seemed surprised. Grangers' glares persisted toward Ron, despite his eagerness to do anything she wanted and his rambles on what great progress they had made now that one Horcrux was destroyed. He kept making mention of the silver doe and how someone was helping us, how it would all be an easy road now...but even Harry knew that it wasn't enough. I could tell by his expression.

It was time to get things under control.

And I was nothing if not a control freak.

"Er-hey," Harry said cautiously, taking a slow step towards me as if I were a rabid animal. "What's up, Drea?"

"We need to do something. Act. Move. No more sitting and waiting for answers to come to you," I made sure to make it pointed enough to emphasize that I was not part of this jolly jumble of laziness. I never would have let so much time go by without results and I hope they knew that - I hope they knew that leaving me behind had been the biggest mistake they had ever made. "We have to go out and find our own answers."

"Well, that's easy to say, isn't it?" Ron asked, though his eyes widened when my glare fell upon him. "I mean - when you were doing it before you had the whole Order behind you. Now..."

"Now, as much as I hate to admit it...I have Granger," the look of shock on her face was priceless. If I wouldn't have been paying her a compliment it would have meant more, but I would always like when she looked at a loss. "She has the brains to help me pull this off, even if she doesn't have the gall. That's why you two are here - you work better on instinct and adrenaline. Together we have to be able to come up with something."

"Was that a compliment?" Ron asked with a frown.

"No," Harry and I said together. But Harry didn't seem to care either way. "I don't know, Drea..."

"Don't tell me you two thought that you'd come up with something before Granger would."

Considering I had mildly insulted them, they took it in stride rather well. There was a moment where they looked between each other, clearly upset by my change in pace. Hermione looked down to the book in her hands and sighed.

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