67. Frosted

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Chapter 67 - Frosted

"Ron is always a prat," I explained to her simply, not trying to put any lightheartedness into my words. There was no point: Hermione knew the truth now; I just wish she wouldn't be so damn teary over it. "You need to stop listening to him, Hermione. In fact, if you would like me douse him in itching powder-"

"No," she sniffled, wiping her tears away on the sleeve of her robe. "I wouldn't want you to do that."

"Itching powder carries currently unnamed creatures that cause a reverse in flesh eating disease..."

"And where exactly did we find her?" I asked lowly, not caring that she could hear me as I pointed over my shoulder to Loony Lovegood. She acted as if what she said made the utmost sense continued to watch Hermione very intensely, nodding as if to encourage her to agree.

"Luna was already here in the bathroom when I got here. We come here a lot now," Hermione explained to me and then to Luna. We did not come here often, Hermione came here often after Ron liked to make fun of her in classes to impress his new girlfriend. I just so happened to trail after her like a guilty puppy because I had gotten her ready to confess her feelings and she had nearly done it while he was sucking face - not my fault, necessarily, but also not really in my favour.

Then again, I couldn't deny that I had been hiding out a lot over the past few weeks - not that I normally came into a bathroom to do it, of course. Now that news had gotten around about what had happened in the corridors when I had found...the body, I liked to stay to myself. Not that it was that difficult: mysteriously, the Slytherins weren't hounding me over it so I didn't have to hurt them or prank them back - as much as I wanted to get revenge on everything they had done this year, I couldn't seem to find the urge. Yet.

I had given myself a set mourning period before I came back full force.

"Yes," Lovegood said dreamily, her eyes turning to me but not looking at me. "I heard your kneazle had died - that's quite sad."

"She didn't die," Hermione sniffled again as she straightened up. "She-"

"Hermione," I growled, balling my hands in my hair. "If you don't shut up I will pull out your insides by the dysfunctional, frizzy follicles of your ridiculous head of hair..."

Hermione cleared her throat. "She doesn't like to talk about it."

"Oh," Luna said simply before looking behind me and smiling. "Well, is it true that Draco Malfoy was with you when you found him? He looks at you quite often when he hasn't disappeared. Are you eloping?"

"Are you out of your mind?" I gasped. I should have felt a little better when Hermione cut her tears to laugh at my expression, but I was still too disgusted. "We aren't even dating!"

"I don't think you need to," she told me with a shrug. "You two are as obviously in love. The wrackspurt don't buzz around you when you're together."

"And that means?"

"That you're thinking about each other and using a lot of concentration," she explained, nodding slightly. "Wrackspurt don't like that - people in love, I mean."

"If people do not stop saying that," I hissed, my voice coming out in a lethal way. "I'm going to cut out their tongues."

"Isn't that what happened to Cir-"

"Luna," Hermione cut her off, hardly sniffling now. "No; you should stop."

"Oh, alright." She looked over my shoulder and smiled. "Hello, Harry. Did you know one of your eyebrows is bright yellow?"

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