3. Unforgivable

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Chapter Three - Unforgivable

"I'm on-time!" I announced factually, if not a little loudly, while I ran and slammed myself into the seat next to Nott, knocking into him in the process. I didn't quite move before he pushed me off of him and brushed off his sleeve as if I had somehow transferred dirt to his robes.

"No, but the teacher's more late than you are so I think you're safe." Nott smirked. At least Nott was his normal self, and was considerate enough to remember that I liked sitting near my brother in the few classes we shared and sat behind him for this one. I smiled at him.

"Did you miss breakfast?" Harry asked as he turned around to talk to me. I shrugged.

"Meaningless meal, isn't it?" He rolled his eyes, Ron gaped at me.

"Meaningless? There's no way that any meal is meaningless!"

"You're a glutton, Ron." I snorted. "But I agree with you...unless I'm running late."

"You missed it then, the Bulgarians have taken to eating with the Slytherins, and the French are with the Ravenclaws." Harry informed. I looked to Theodore who shrugged his shoulders nonchallantly. Thank Merlin that my friend wasn't obsessed with Quidditch and, most importantly, he wasn't obsessed with appearances.

"Feeling left out, my loyal lion?" I asked sarcastically, my brother rolled his eyes.

"Not at all, though Ron seems upset he hasn't gotten his autograph."

"It won't mean as much if everyone gets one." Ron argued, as he frowned.

"You're such a girl-"

But I couldn't laugh at my brother's best friend for any longer because at that moment, our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor just so happened to walk right past my seat. I felt a shiver go down my spine and a strange feeling pass over me. I don't know how I could tell, but that eye was watching me through the back of his head. But why would he be watching me?

"I don't think I'll like this professor." I thought aloud to Theodore, not really taking into account that said professor could probably hear me, but I didn't really care. Theodore just sighed deeply. He knew from each of my experiences that not liking someone means he should feel sorry for the bloke. Theodore, like me, seemed to be compassionate enough to hope that his punishment for being strange wouldn't be too mean on my prank-scale.

By the time he had limped up to the front, the chalk was magically writing his name on the board in twisted and messy cursive. I hoped I'd be able to take notes from his writing, it was difficult to read.

"Alastor Moody," he announced with a thick Irish lilt. I was surprised, I had mostly expected to hear a Scottish grunting, just because he was so brutish and all. "Ex-auror, Ministry malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me: end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?"

The class sat silently. I think we were all afraid that if we spoke, he'd be rid of us like he had the lightning the night before.

"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. I believe in constant vigilance! Now, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" I raised my eyebrows. This guy was insane. I was positive that this was not in our curriculum, so why was it necessary to talk about? I'm no goody-two-shoes, but I do have common sense.

"Three, sir." Hermione spoke up from the table beside mine, not that her answering was predictable or anything.

"And they are so named?"

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