78. Memorabilia

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Welcome to the Deathly Hallows, everyone!

Enjoy the Beginning of the End...

Part Four: Audrey Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Chapter 78 - Memorabilia

What little space there was under the sink was dirtier than I remembered. I didn't why, but that bothered me. There was no reason for it to be clean anymore, after all; now that it wasn't my prison cell there was no one else to clean it and rid it of cobwebs and grime. Now that I was too old to be in there, they seemed to have kept it messier than ever before, too. The space under the sink was now the storage space for everything the Dursleys were not ready to throw out, though they weren't quite willing to use it to clean the house...not unless Harry or I were the ones doing it, at least. It didn't matter how hygienic Aunt Petunia pretended to be; she never liked doing the dirty work herself.

"Bloody-" my brother trailed off, tromping past me with the grace of an elephant while he leaned over the top of my head to run his hand under the tap.

"Is packing so laborious that you've put your blood and sweat into it? Because that's just an expression," I informed him. "Most people don't take it literally."

"I think Dudley tried to get me to step on a teacup," he muttered. "I got my finger first, though."

"And how exactly did you cut your finger on something meant for your foot?" I asked him, trying to stretch as far as I could to see his finger - it was no use, I was far too short. He rolled his eyes, annoyed with my prodding.

"Something in my trunk cut my finger, not the teacup. And why exactly are you sitting cross legged on the floor, staring below the sink?" he retorted, trying to sound as condescending as he appeared to think I was being. I did nothing more than shrug.

"Sirius told me to absorb the memories," I informed. "These are the ones I remember best."

"You're terrified of water because you burst those pipes," Harry stated blandly. "Why do you remember those best?"

"Well, that speaks more to the Dursleys' character than mine, doesn't it?" I asked rhetorically, standing and brushing the dust off of my jeans.

"We should probably learn how to heal things before we start the search," Harry thought to himself as he displayed the jagged wound on his finger to me. "Start getting ready to be completely self-sufficient and all that."

"We were pretty much raised self-sufficient," I snorted to him, taking a look at the cut a little more closely. "I can heal that with Magnuse."

"Don't waste your breath," he sighed, pulling it away.

"You mean my energy?"

"That either," he said. "You're supposed to be practicing doing the harder things, remember? You're not supposed to be healing my cuts because our cousin is a prat."

"Our cousin being a prat is one of the harder things to deal with here," I told him, but he only rolled his eyes and started walking back to our joined room. I followed behind him, taking the time to absorb the ugly wall paper that Aunt Petunia had been so proud of and the stairs that creaked and used to wake my brother every time Dudley would jump down them. He'd always been a little git...alright, maybe not a little git, but he'd always been a pain.

To anyone else who may have been looking, they might have believed our room had been ransacked - but I knew that this was just my brother's process of cleaning and later packing his rucksack in record time. I was already packed; the few things that I was leaving here were messily strewn in the corner, though contained - something my brother had never learned, even after six years of having roommates. My bag was larger than his, but I was sure that when we were retrieved someone could shrink it more - there were potions in that rucksack, the last of which had only just finished brewing four days prior. They were vialed and packed specifically so as not to jostle, but I took every precaution to make sure they wouldn't break in whatever way we were being transported out of this place.

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