94. Boils and Bristles

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Chapter 94 - Boils and Bristles

"Have you ever taken time to find yourself? I don't recommend it, honestly. You don't find out anything about yourself that you don't already know. I found out that I've always hated being second best, for example. Always. I don't know why, but once it started it became all consuming, you know? I started doing a lot of things with that competitive streak in me. For instance, when my brother stopped Riddle from getting the Philosopher's stone it was only because I thought that calming Fluffy down would look better.

"But then I was petrified by that basilisk and missed the entire rescue mission for Ginny - who, by the way, was one of my close friends far before Harry even noticed her. Ginny is basically my Gryffindor-doppelganger, so why did my brother have to go and snog her? It's repulsive.

"Oh and don't even get me started on when he broke into that tower and-and time traveled? Are you serious? I didn't get to experience time travel? I feel like I would have done much better than he would have and not let Pettigrew get away.

"Then he roped me into that bloody tournament where my soon-to-be boyfriend died.

"All of fifth year he resented me even though everything I was doing was for him and the one thing - the one, tiny thing - that I wanted he absolutely ruined. I don't understand why he can't just leave my dating life alone; I specifically don't want to know anything he does with Ginny. It makes me sick to even contemplate.

"Then there was sixth year...well, everyone knows about the Death Eaters in sixth year, don't they? I guess that was more about me. Finally something was. Not that I liked a lick of it, mind you. But then there was the whole invasion at the wedding and going into hiding while constantly trying not to be ambushed but also attacking Death Eaters...I guess you know that part, that is the story of why you're here."

I finally came away from my musings and looked upon Dulcier with a sigh. He was gagged and tied up to a chair that honestly didn't look strong enough to hold him, with its feeble little wooden legs. I was keeping a close eye on him and he had no idea of all the protection spells around the area, though. I had not been alone in making this area safe for me and a prison for himself - it had taken Kingsley and Lupin hours.

Dulcier lurched forward in his chair to show his frustration about my ranting. I gave him a deep frown - I did not care about his feelings.

"Are you uncomfortable?" I asked, the sarcasm dripped from my words. "That's a surprising reaction. Don't you know where you are?"

He gave a shuffle forward again and made a little bit of a sound behind the material shoved down his throat. I didn't understand whatever cursing he was likely doing.

"Well, you'd be a little more respectful if you did," my tone was light as I tried to imitate the formal, awful tone of Dolores Umbridge. I avoided his eyes and began pacing around the room, as I had done many times since we had started renovating this shithole. "It doesn't look familiar, then? Why, Dulcier...this is the place it all began. This is where the mother of your favourite evil dictator came from."

Dulcier didn't move this time. Now he took a wide-eyed look around himself, as if realizing that I may not have been lying to him. What place was better to hide a deviant, than a deviants' own home? I had figured. It's not like Voldemort was likely return now that the entire Gaunt family line ends with him.

"No one comes 'round anymore," I tapped my wand against my palm for emphasis. The skin there still tingled from the heavy lifting of a body and two large sized pewter cauldrons. "See, everyone loves what Tom does nowadays, but no one ever likes to dig into his roots - that's his real name, by the way. Tom. Tom's inheritance isn't that grand, is it?"

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