27. Magical Mistakes

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Chapter 27 - Magical Mistakes

"Let's go," I said quickly as my energy began to return. "Let's go before they come back."

Harry nodded, his neck stiff with tension as he pocketed his wand and moved toward Dudley, who was still immobile and whimpering on the ground. Apparently muggles could not recover from dementor attacks as easily as we did, even though I still felt like utter shite. Maybe it was because I knew the danger more than he did, and I was ready to get the hell out of dodge, who knew? All I knew was that we needed to get some chocolate into us and a good night's rest somewhere safe - but how could we feel safe when we didn't know why dementors would come to a Muggle inhabited area?

"No!" An old and panicked voice cried out. Both Harry and I turned, ready to fight again, though we quickly saw it was completely unnecessary. In front of us, panting heavily, was our grizzled next door neighbour, Mrs Figg. She was holding a heavy shopping bag around her wrist and was in fuzzy house slippers that did not match her outfit. "Don't put it away, idiot boy! What if there are more of them around? Oh, I'm going to kill Mundungus Fletcher!"

Harry did not move for his wand. I looked at her for a moment, measuring up the vision I'd had before I turned to Harry. "She means your wand."


"Take it out, Harry. She already knows." Both of them looked at me in shock, I knew that I wasn't supposed to yet know that Mrs Figg knew about our world, but there was no use denying the fact that I already did. Visions were visions and emergencies were emergencies - this certain circumstance had a mixture of both. I looked back to Mrs Figg questioningly. "Who's Mundungus Fletcher?"

"He left, that's who!" Mrs Figg roared, wringing her hands and looking all about. No wonder we always thought she was batty, all this time she'd just been super aware of what really lurks the streets. "Left to see someone about a batch of cauldrons that fell off the back of a broom! Told him too I'd flay him alive if he went, and now look: dementors! It's just lucky I put Mr Tibbles on the case, he got right to your little kitty there - beautiful, by the way, Miss Potter. Oh," she drew out the sound, her nerves getting the best of her again. "But we haven't got time to stand around. Hurry, now, we've got to get you back - oh the trouble this is going to cause! I will kill him!"

"She knows about dementors," Harry said again, looking at me with wide eyes. I looked to her again.

"She breeds kneazles," I recalled. She looked shocked. "You're a witch?"

"I'm a Squib," she corrected bitterly. "As Mundungus knows full well, so how on earth was I supposed to help you fight of dementors? He left you completely without cover when I'd warned him-"

"This Mundungus has been following me?" Harry asked. "Hang on - it was him! He disapparated from the front of my house!"

I looked at Harry in confusion. "When?"

"You were already gone to the mall," he explained to me.

"Yes, yes, yes, but luckily I'd stationed Mr Tibbles under a car just in case, and Mr Tibbles came to warn me after he'd made sure your kneazle was on its way. Oh and now - oh, what's Dumbledore going to say? You!" she pointed to Dudley who did not move, or show signs he knew he was addressed. "Get your fat bottom off the ground, quick!"

"You know Dumbledore?" Harry asked again.

"Of course I know Dumbledore," she scoffed. "Who doesn't know Dumbledore? But come on - I'll be no help if they come back, I've never so much as transfigured a teabag."

Both she and Harry went to work trying to get Dudley off the ground. I didn't even offer to help - not that I would have admitted it was because I was weakened from the night, but Salazar's shit, I was weakened from the night. I needed to get myself home before I worried at all about Big D.

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