49. Fine Lines

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Chapter 49 - Fine Lines

"Wow," Theodore whistled lowly under his breath while we finally escaped History of Magic. It was luckily our last class of the day and considering how boring it was, we had spoken all about my new 'Remedial Potions' lessons for the entirety of the class block. Needless to say, Nott had been surprised when I had told him about everything that had happened a week before: Occlumency, spying on Dumbledore, finding out I can do Legilimency. Of course I left out the unimportant facts, such as initially I only became close friends with the rest of our Slytherin gang for purpose of my spying and, most importantly, that Malfoy and I snogging every night behind tapestries and suits of armour.

It was a few days after April Fools: the Weasley twins birthday - where, for their birthday, I hadn't ratted them out on a few of the pranks they'd pulled. I promised that I'd get them something more substantial when I wasn't playing spy and being watched by the rest of the Inquisitorial Squad, but I was pleased that I was able to let them get away with their pranks for the meantime.

"I know," I said to Theodore, shoving my History of Magic textbook into my rucksack.

"You're a Legilimens," he repeated for the third time, shaking his head with mild disbelief. "How the hell do you pull all this off, Audrey?"

"I have no idea," I responded honestly, pushing my bag farther up on my shoulder now that the thick textbook was weighing it down. "I don't even know what happened - one minute I was trying to do Astral Projection, the next minute I was having a vision, and the moment after I was Projecting it to Harry."

"Still, that's so hard," he muttered, with a frown. "Legilimency is really hard, Audrey."

"So I've heard," I rolled my eyes. "Doesn't matter, though: I couldn't do it again when Snape asked me to."

"Doesn't matter," Nott shook his head. "You projected your own thoughts twice now and that isn't normal. Have you ever been able to look into thoughts? I thought that's what regular Legilimency was."

"So did I," I mumbled, pushing my hands through my hair to try and tame it. I had thrown my enchanted hairbrush into my trunk and hadn't been able to find it this morning, so naturally my hair was a mess. "But apparently being able to infiltrate anyone's mind is Legilimency and technically I broke into Harry's mind to show him what I wanted him to see - Snape said it counts."

"I guess so," he sighed, shaking his head as he tried to work it all out. I could see his mind turning the facts over and over, trying to make sense of it all. "Drea, what are we going to do with you?"

"Hopefully not send me to St Mungo's psychiatric ward," I snorted, pushing the bag up on my shoulder again. It was too heavy with all the textbooks in it. When I had tried to charm it to be lighter, all that had happened was having the strap rip - I'd tied it for the time being, but I'd have to remember to mend it later. "How is it I can do all these different forms of Cantated magic, but I still can't use a Vanishing spell?"

Both of us took a look at my wand as I held it out in front of me. The pale wand caught the light oddly, it was a little too scuffed to look nice and the glaring X on the hilt still warned me just how much this wand and I didn't get along. Still, as we watched it and nothing happened we couldn't help but shrug in sync.

"I don't know," he admitted. "But there has to be a reason."

"There's always a reason," I nodded. "At least there isn't Occlumency today."

"There isn't Occlumency?" Theodore raised his eyebrow. "I highly doubt that Snape would find out you can do all this and then decide not to have you hone in on it."

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