61. Two's Too Crowded

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Chapter 61 - Two's Too Crowded

My horror was silenced by the deafening excitement of the Slytherins around me - Severus Snape was no longer Potions Master, but Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. There were so many things wrong the idea that I couldn't even wrap my head around it: I would humiliate myself in front of my mentor, Harry would cause more trouble in that class than ever before, Snape had always wanted this - I should be proud...but it was impossible.

"Audrey," Lillian asked over the roar of the silver and emerald robed students. "Are you alright?"

"It's the cursed spot," I choked out, looking to her with wide eyes and temporarily forgetting my worry that she may or may not have been playing around while she was defending me. "No Defense teacher stays longer than a year!"

Lillian's eyes flickered to Tracey - she looked nervous as well, but both girls shook their heads at my words. "Snape is different, Audrey."

"Curses don't make exceptions, Lillian," I spat out. After Dumbledore's speech ended - though I did not know how, considering I couldn't bring myself to listen to the rest - we were left to chat and make our way to our dormitories. Lillian and Tracey stood and seemed to be waiting for me, as if they would walk with me to the dormitory, but I shook my head.

"I'm not going back yet," I told them. "I'll see you in the morning."

"But - where will you go?" Lillian asked nervously, looking toward Tracey. "We could come with you..."

"No, that's alright," I brushed her off, walking past the fifth year prefects who were already corralling the first years toward their new homes.

"What Moon means," Tracey said, turning me around by the specific edge to her voice. "Is that you shouldn't be alone. We can't just leave you on your lonesome anymore, Potter - in case you hadn't noticed, your guard is gone."

A part of me was flattered - I had been wrong, I had been wrong to be suspicious of them and their methods...they were trying to help me. To protect me from the Slytherins who wanted their revenge. I guess it made sense; neither Tracey nor Lillian's families were involved with Voldemort, they'd had nothing to lose from the battle in the Department of Mysteries. They had no reason to hate me, considering they hadn't been effected.

"I noticed," I muttered, trying to keep my voice from being as bitter as it wanted to be - even after my realization. I was glad when I was able to catch sight of Malfoy's back as he left the Great Hall...it was better if I didn't deal with him tonight. I was already exhausted and I was clearly not at my best when it came to defending myself...not that I could tell Tracey and Lillian that. I worried they may not leave me alone, otherwise.

"So just come back to the dormitory - Greengrass is worried as all shit, Rivers isn't even pretending to be in our room anymore..."

"No," I said, my stomach clenching. "I need some time alone."

Neither girl seemed comfortable with that, at all, but my reputation let them know they couldn't make me do whatever I didn't want to. It was a comfort, being such a monster, that I could reap whatever benefits came after the terror of it.

The girls seemed to leave me in a swift move that left me following the crowd into the Entrance Hall. I was sure to stay away from being herded towards the dungeons so that I could lurk in the corridors of the main level; the other House dormitories and common rooms weren't here, so I had hopes that it would be deserted. All but for me and Circe, who had somehow battled the crowds by weaving through my legs and everyone else's. It was crazy to think that this year I was free of Montague and all the harassment that had left me afraid to go out on my own - but now I had a whole new enemy: my own friends.

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