33. Unnecessary Words

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Chapter 33 - Unnecessary Words

"I'm starving," Ron groaned as he fell into his seat in the compartment where my brother, Ginny, Neville and some blonde behind a Quibbler were sitting. Despite all the left over chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasties and cauldron cakes strewn on the compartment's floor, I had no appetite. Circe, of course, went to taking out one of the chocolate frogs to play with it mercilessly until it would melt between her paws . I was too upset to stop her. How could I do anything but mope, how could I have an appetite? How could I think of functioning throughout this year when I knew what I would have to face each meal, each day, every day, without fail...

"Well, there are two fifth-year prefects from every house," Hermione began, shooting me a look as she took a seat beside me. "Boy and girl from each."

"And guess who the other Slytherin prefect is?" Ron asked with a sigh, his head lolled back against the seat and his eyes closed. Harry's eyes found mine, his eyebrows raised.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked, looking down at my prefect badge briefly before shaking his head. Oh that prat better not be getting a sick satisfaction out of his prefect-less position after I'd already taught him a thing or two about friend and sibling appreciation...

"Of course," I mumbled, crossing my arms in my seat. Ron shoved an entire chocolate frog in his mouth with a grunt. "I don't know what Dumbledore's thinking, sticking the two of us together. Not only will we both be abusing the power-"

"Audrey," Hermione warned.

"-but we'll also be at each other's throats the entire time. I think we'll do more damage than good considering we'll get detentions for hexing each other during patrol!"

"That wouldn't be surprising," Ron nodded, grabbing for another chocolate frog. "But at least it'd be entertaining."

"Ronald," Hermione said in the same tone that made Ron and I look at each other and roll our eyes. She was so anal retentive about everything all the time.

"Really, the two of them as Slytherin prefects is a bad idea," he amended, though I could tell he still stuck by his previous statement. "I thought we were supposed to be role models, not dueling partners."

"Who are Ravenclaw's?" Harry asked, he must have seen the flickering in my eye and knew to change the subject.

"Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil," I answered lowly.

"And Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott for Hufflepuff," Hermione finished.

"Bit of a git, Macmillan," I frowned out toward the rain pattering the glass. It was a light drizzle, but enough to distract me with the weak currents rolling over my window. "I guess he's not as bad as Smith. Clearly the Hufflepuffs don't have many good candidates, do they?"

"Yeah, not since Digg-" Ron silenced, as did the rest of the compartment as they all turned to look at me. I took a few subtle breaths, steeling myself against the painful memories that leaked through the front of my brain. I felt Circe rub her face against my ankle with a purr.

"You went to the Yule Ball with Padma Patil," a quiet, wistful voice stated. We all turned our heads to the blonde behind the Quibbler who had been silent until now.

"Yeah, I know I did," Ron blinked, somehow not choking while he spoke around his mouthful of chocolate frog.

"She didn't enjoy it very much," the blonde stated again. "She doesn't think you treated her very well, because you wouldn't dance with her. I don't think I'd have minded, I don't like dancing very much."

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