44. A Promise

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Chapter 44 - A Promise

Things had gone back to normal - normal meaning that Harry and I were barely talking again and I was busy trying to cause trouble - while trying not to get into trouble - with Fred and George. Because of this normalcy I was not excited when Harry and I were called downstairs the night before we were to return to Hogwarts. Apparently we would not be taking the Express - which both made me nervous and excited. It would be a fewer few hours that I'd have to pretend I hated the Gryffindors, but a few hours lost on working my way back into my role as Audrey Potter: Slytherin Superstar.

I hadn't responded to any of my friends owls over the course of the break, nor had I thanked them for their Christmas presents. I wasn't allowed to use Hedwig to contact Slytherins in case a Death Eater hurt her, and I couldn't use a regular owl considering it could still be tracked back to headquarters. It was, also, both a relief and a hardship - it was horrible that I couldn't keep up my role, but I could easily pass it off as the fact Harry wouldn't let me use it.

Besides, I wasn't sure what to say to some of the people who'd sent me presents.

By the time Harry and I made it downstairs to the kitchen, we opened the door to find both Sirius and Snape nearly snarling at each other, sitting on opposite sides of the table with mutual dislike. It was almost like the one and only time I had been part of an Order meeting - where they sat so close they could strangle each other, but didn't for the sake of one Potter or another.

"Er," Harry said immediately, his eyes skipping over to Snape nervously. I was already smiling - my two favourite men in one room! It was exciting, even if they did look seconds away from hexing one another. Still, my eyes fell to the letter laying open in front of Sirius.

"What's that?"

"Sit down." Snape's voice was bored, but his eyes watched me very carefully. I narrowed them on him for a moment, before sitting down in perfect unison with my twin - he closer to Sirius, me closer to Snape.

"You know," Sirius muttered darkly, but still loudly. "I think I'd prefer it if you didn't give orders here, Snape. It's my house, you see."

Snape clenched his jaw. I took that as my cue.

"Is there something wrong, professor?"

"I was supposed to speak to you two alone," Snape sneered. "But Black-"

"I'm their godfather," Sirius said, it sounded like he had said it multiple times before Harry and I had moseyed down the staircase. In fact, I didn't doubt that he had.

"I am here on Dumbledore's orders," Snape glared holes through Sirius - I wonder if the two even really remembered that Harry and I were here? "But by all means stay, Black, I know how you like to feel...involved."

"That's unnecessary," I warned Snape, watching his eyes flicker to me. There was no denying the smug glint to them - soon matched by a smirk he felt no decency to hide.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sirius hissed.

"Merely that I am sure you must feel, ah - frustrated by the fact that you can do nothing useful," Snape's taunt was pleasing him as much as I loved one-upping the Ravenclaws. "For the Order."

Sirius flushed, I could pretty much feel the energy he was using to restrain himself in front of us. Harry made a sound of disbelief in the back of his throat that thankfully seemed to draw both men's attention to us again.

"The Headmaster has sent me to tell you, both of you, that it's his wish for you to study Occlumency this term." Ah yes, I'd nearly forgotten.

"Study what?" Harry blinked. I tried not to smile.

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