83. Fireworks

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Chapter 83 - Fireworks

"This dress," I threatened aimlessly to the thin fabric while I pulled it farther down towards my knees; it wasn't long enough. This stupid dress was not close to long enough and I was positive that people were going to end up seeing my arse - well, not my arse, considering I was currently dressed as a tall blonde distant relative of Fleur...but an arse that was currently on my body nonetheless. "I can't keep it low!"

"She measured it when you were your normal height," Hermione explained to me, peeking over to the entrance of the marquee where my Ron, Fred, George and my brother waited to show people to their seats. My brother had been Polyjuiced to look like a redheaded Muggle from town, a much more subtle and realistic fit for the celebration compared to the pretty blonde Amazonian that I was made to look like.

"Well, it's still six inches too short!"

"It could be worse considering you're over six inches taller than you were," Hermione mumbled again. She was distracted while she watched whatever it was the boys were doing and I couldn't help but feel frustrated that she wasn't paying attention to my own frustrations. In this head-to-toe disguise I was near six foot, I was in heels, and my dress hit a very indecent place on my thighs - Harry hadn't been able to look at me and Bill had laughed when he saw me. The groom had insisted that I was well disguised, but I knew this was some sort of prank between the Weasley boys just to see if I could keep my composure long enough without bothering to commit an impulsive form of murder.

All in all, however, there was a nice turn out. I don't know why I would have assumed that there wouldn't be considering the Weasley family was so vast, but during times of war its funny how many people will lay down their fear for something that might bring them the slightest spark of hope. The waiters that had eased Mrs Weasley's cookie frenzy - and would hopefully later save me from being force-fed - were all dressed in white, dazzling robes which somehow meshed rather well with the gold jacketed band under the large willow tree. The chairs I had been forced to set - and had not believed would fit everyone, while I now worried there wouldn't be enough - were all backed with gold. The golden chairs lined a purple runner that lead to the altar; it was hidden under a marquee tent of white and gold flowers, with enormous golden balloons right above where Bill and Fleur would share their first wedded kiss.

Fred walked past, taking both Tonks and Lupin to their seats. Neither of them recognized me, in the same way that I hardly recognized Tonks with her golden-blonde hair set for the occasion. It was a strange sensation to be able to look at the twins and instantly tell which twin you were seeing. It had always been their favourite game, to pretend to be one another, but after hours of Mrs Weasley trying to hide George's ear behind hair she already deemed too long, she had given up...and Fred and George were officially no longer identical. George had demanded I fix this, of course, but I had yet to think of a potion that could rival my old mentor's Dark curses.

Godric, don't think about him - Sirius had already warned me that my scowl would give me away.

"Ah," Fred raised his eyebrows, bending into a dramatic bow in front of me. "Permetiez moi to assister vous."

"Piss off," I hissed to him. "There's a bald spot on the back of your head. Your French stinks. Go away."

"Oh, Drea," he sounded slightly surprised, but it almost sounded fake. He knew well that his French was bad enough to be charming, that there was no bald spot on the top of his head, and the only reason I wanted him to go away was because I wasn't in the mood for him to try wooing me. "I forgot that was you. You look quite different - a horrible transition, I'm afraid, though I wouldn't be too upset if you kept the outfit-"

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