48. What You See

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Chapter 48 - What you See

"So, are you going to miss a third lesson today?" I jumped, not having noticed that my brother had begun walking beside me during my walk to dinner. I was surprised none of the Slytherins I was walking with had noticed him either, but their eyebrows raised now that he had announced himself. Normally it was an unspoken rule between my brother and I that we would stay away from each other during weekdays and wherever people could see us interact, so I glared at him. I had a reputation to uphold and being nice to him was not on my step-by-step guide.

"Oh, lectures," I said with fake enthusiasm. "I'm so glad you're here to offer one. Having a day full of classes just wasn't enough for me."

"All right, Potter?" Tracey asked with a pointed look toward my brother. Tracey didn't like being nice if she didn't have to and I knew that in her mind my brother didn't warrant that effort.

"It's fine," I responded, waving the group of them forward. "I'll be there in a minute."

Malfoy looked at me carefully before giving a sharp glare to my brother. The two sized each other up, looking about ready to duel with insults alone - but without saying anything else Malfoy stalked into the Great Hall to get us seats. I was impressed; he hadn't started a fight. I'd have to commend him on his self-control later.

"Snape's been tearing me apart because you aren't there!" My brother hissed before I had even turned around from watching my friends go into the Great Hall. I turned around, barely fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Oh dear, you have to do your own work," I mocked, placing my hand over my heart. "This must feel new to you."

"I'm being serious," he frowned, looking over both shoulders quickly before lowering his voice. "What's been going on, Drea?"

"I've been busy," I lied easily. Over the past week I had been getting increasingly talented with making these little white lies flow smoothly. "Snape knows my patrols have been extended, it's one of the perks of being one of Umbridge's little bitches. I've been doing Prefect rounds nonstop."

"Well, have you stopped patrolling the seventh floor?" Harry asked even more quietly. "I never see you up there on the map when I need you - we had to camp out for an extra hour last night because Parkinson and Montague were fishing around Gryffindor tower."

"I can't be everywhere at once, Harry," I threw my arms up for emphasis. "I have my own rebellion to lead, my own little army of minions, my own battle tactics... Not all of us decide to make illegal dueling clubs, Harry. Some of us have to be a tad more subtle."

"Like doing rounds with Malfoy and spending quality time with Umbridge every other night?" Harry asked bitterly, fixing his glasses which had gone askew when he had bent forward to conspire with me. "That's your idea of subtle?"

I almost hesitated, but luckily was able to put a look on my face that resembled the oh-so-natural expression used when telling him he's a moron. "Er - to get on the Slytherins good side? Yes."

"Well, can you please try to get on their good side without having me skinned alive?" That sounded a little bit redundant, considering he was asking me to skin myself for his little group of friends. "Hermione's on your side, telling me to be patient and all that, but Snape is-"

"Teaching you," I interrupted with a frown. "He's teaching you, Harry. It's not my fault that you don't listen and do as he says. His methods may be harsh, but he always gets the work done."

"He's nicer to you than he is to me," he basically whined. "He likes you!"

"He wasn't nicer when he was teaching me Astral or Magnuse," I argued with a growl, pulling him a little farther to the side to let a group of Hufflepuffs pass us. "He's nicer to me now because I've done this work before and I've earned a sliver of respect for having survived it. Aside from that, I actually listen to what he says and do it, unlike you."

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