1. The World Cup

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Part 1: Audrey Potter and The Goblet Of Fire

Chapter One - The World Cup

"Dad, where are we going?" Ron yawned from behind me, still complaining quietly to Harry about how early he'd had to wake up. I looked over my shoulder to see the two boys lagging behind the group and couldn't help thinking about how Hermione had practically begged me to leave them alone and let her wake them up. I maintain that the twins and I should have been the ones to deal with the two, but I understood her fear that they may not make the Quidditch World Cup at all if we had.

"Haven't the foggiest," Mr. Weasley smiled back at them as he trudged on through the dimly lit wooded area. I sent a look of concern over my shoulder to Ginny and Hermione, who returned it eagerly. At least I wasn't the only one nervous for our sakes, though I was distracted while I smiled up at my favourite twins.

"So you two, how is that little project of yours going?"

"It will be a lot better after this match," George smiled brightly, nudging me in the ribs. I smiled as Fred entwined our arms, George following his lead and wrapping himself around my left side.

"Thanks for it, by the way. Now that we know how the match will turn up, we'll bet on it – when we win we should have enough money to start the shop." Fred gave a cheer that made Mr. Weasley look back at us with suspicion. To distract from his outburst, Fred began scratching the back of his head, pretending he had not shouted at all.

"Not a problem," I shrugged off Fred's thanks, laughing quietly before I let the smile die off. "I still don't understand what I saw during the last bit, though. It looked like—"

"Bright flashes? Celebration," Fred mused with a wave of his hand.

"We'll be doing a lot of that ourselves!" George smiled, reaching around me to elbow his brother. The feeling was lost to me.

"I don't think so," I whined quietly, remembering back to the dread that had filled my gut four days prior, back when I'd had the vision of what was to happen at the World Cup tonight. There had been shouts and bellows, even a scream that had been so blood-curdling it'd woken me from my trance.

"Then they were the losers, stop worrying about it. There's tons of security at these things – I even heard there will be security trolls! Besides Potter, they have to have graduated Seers looking out for some sort of tragedy anyway. Nothing bad is going to happen."

"Exactly," Fred finalized with a smile to George's guarantee, both twins began nudging me with a smile as they continued to mock my lack of use as a decent Seer. Everyone here was well aware that I rarely saw anything of value...which was probably why I jumped on the opportunity to help them so quickly.

I nodded, trying to convince myself to find comfort through their certainty.

"Circe!" I called loudly, contented by how quickly my pet kneazle weaved herself between my legs – thank Merlin she did this so often that I had gotten used to not tripping over her. She purred up at me and I smiled back while we continued walking. It had been a long walk and I was already getting tired. After all, I had woken up an extra hour before my brother so that the Weasley twins and I could finalize the plan for their gamble.

"Arthur!" A booming voice yelled from in front of us. Circe eyed him a moment before she continued walking in a straight line: that simple action let me know that this man was most likely a friend. He was shorter, slightly plump, with glasses and a hat covering most of his peppery hair. He seemed the happy sort and like most wizards, he was dressed in a poor imitation of muggle's clothing. "About time, son."

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