12. The Unmarked Gift

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Chapter Twelve - The Unmarked Gift

It took a long time after I woke up to realize that it was Christmas morning. The only person who was awake was Alya and she was already out of her bed, leaving her covers in dissaray. She didn't seem to be in the shower and she didn't have a pile of presents at the end of her bed as she normally did, so I assumed she was already out with her boyfriend, sixth year Adrian Pucey, the famed Slytherin Chaser. The only time she was ever separated from his face was when she was bragging about it.

I looked at the end of my bed and sighed at the lack of presents. I was only upset because I was comparing to what I knew was at the end of Harry's, but it was a humble sweetness that gave me a small smile anyway. I had five gifts, less than a third of everyone elses piles around me, so I got to opening them quickly - the only thing worse than not getting many presents was hearing how you didn't get many presents.

I opened Harry's present first with high expectations thanks to the rare Horntail dragonhide Quidditch gloves I'd bought by catalogue for him so he could get a firmer grip on the snitch when he went against Slytherin. I knew he'd love them and their irony. Also, to be honest, so long as I was in a good enough mood after this I planned to see him to gloat about how wonderful my gift picking talents were.

His present was tauntingly wrapped in bright gold paper with a crimson bow and I snorted, remembering how I'd had the same idea and put his in Slytherin styled wrappings. It wasn't a big gift, which made me wonder even more what it could be and when I opened it I frowned. I picked up the thick parchment that had a seal I was allowed to design myself - that was nice. There was a quill there too that was a violent red colour with a small tag hanging off.

'Approquill, the quill of aggitation and alleviation. When frustrated, write with this quill and it will correct and edit any comments it deems inappropriate in accordance to whether it be a letter, paper, diary entry, or document.'

"Fantastic," I laughed quietly. My brother seemed to know me a little too well and something told me that I would use this quill more than the beautiful - and indestructible - phoenix feather quill Theodore had gotten me the Christmas prior.

On that note I put my parchment away so that I could move on to Theodore's present, which as always was unwrapped. He hated wrapping things, I didn't know if it was because he couldn't be bothered or because he was incapable of doing a good job, but I was happy to see a giant bow covering the title of a thick, blue book. Peeling off the white ribbon, I almost shrieked in glee. It was a copy of 'Why I didn't Die When the Augurey Cried' by Gullivery Pokeby. I was very curious about these Irish Phoenix's that were so rare; particularly because I was interested in their horrid, misunderstood reputation that mimicked mine and the other part of me wondered if that reputation had anything to do with the reason it was an Augurey feather in my ash wooded wand.

"Brilliant, Theodore." I smiled to myself. I couldn't help but hope he enjoyed the charmed reading light I had gotten him that turned off when his eyes had been closed for a minute or more. I'd picked one up for Hermione on whim as well, knowing that it was perfect for her just as I had gotten Ron a beautiful pearl and onyx wizards chess set.

Ron and Hermione hadn't actually gotten me anything this year, it seemed, which I didn't really mind besides the fact it hurt they hadn't thought of me. The material possessions I received never really meant anything to me, I was just constantly interested who would find me worth buying something for.

Hagrid apparently had. He'd gotten me a Hagrid-sized jar of Berty Botts every flavour beans, my favourite candy that made me feel brave just eating them, but he also got Circe a beautiful collar that wouldn't be seen around her neck other than the beautiful sky blue jewel that hung off of it. I smiled and looked over to my cat, sleeping soundly on my pillow, and sighed happily. Usually I was much more pig headed about my presents, but I was surprisingly pleased and appreciative of this gift for my prized possession.

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