6. Reflections

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Chapter Six - Reflections

Instead of attending dinner on Sunday night, I quickly ducked into my dorm. Though I had doubted that any of my dorm mates would be back as it was only six, I had still hired Theodore to help distract Daphne from coming into the room or coming to find me. I had locked the door so that I would at least hear if Daphne, Tracey, Lillian, or Alya decided to come back in.

I am never on-time; and though I was a little worried over the fact that I had been on time for not only my detention, what should have been dinner, and this potential meeting with Sirius, I knew it wasn't a waste of my one punctual weekend of the year because as soon as I was coming through the door I was hearing him whisper my name.

"What if I had been Alya? She's your cousin somehow, I'm sure - you purebloods are all related." I whispered, closing the door behind me. "Where are you?"

"The mirror," he whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"Ah, that would make sense from the whole 'reflection' thing." I said, climbing over Lillian Moon's bed to reach the mirror in between she and Daphne's. Sirius was standing in the mirror, full length and smiling, though his dark gray eyes remained troubled. "And just how have you managed this one?"

"You didn't honestly believe that James and I would have prevented ourselves from visiting our girlfriends in their dorm rooms?" He laughed. I wrinkled my nose at the excessive amount of information of my father. "This can hook up to all the girls mirrors, the boys don't have them."

"You have to write a list of all those kinds of tricks you have. I don't believe Fred or George even know this one," I smirked sarcastically before sitting on the bed closest to the mirror, he seemed to lean against the frame. I took him in. "You look well."

"I have been much better, I spoke to Harry early this morning - he's terrified."

"So am I, but you can't tell him that." I said quickly, pointing to him accusingly. He raised his hands, though his eyebrow had also raised somewhat sceptically. I knew that glint, I knew what he was thinking even before he mentioned it. "I didn't put in the parchment, Sirius."

"Harry assured me you didn't," he said slowly. "I don't believe you could lie to him."

"You take his word over mine, I notice." I mumbled, noting the small and bitter difference between 'I believe you' and 'I believe that Harry wouldn't lie'.

"Those observations of yours really make those green robes glitter," Sirius joked. I scoffed at him, waving my hand royally between us.

"You should know that I like credit for my work," I acknowledged, crossing my arms. "But I don't like being treated the hero. I liked being the bitter one - I'm not used to being the one fawned over."

"Harry's been having a hard time, Gryffindor aren't appreciating this new feat as much as ones in the past." Sirius muttered. "Not even Ron - Harry hid that we were speaking from him."

I thought back to my vision, it brought back the cold sensation even as I thought on it - Ron looking so bitter where I felt the urge to nearly choke on my own distaste for my brother. It was a familiar sensation that I sometimes got, but it was hard to imagine those feelings emanating from his best friend.

"I saw it in my vision - maybe I'll go talk to him before curfew." I offered, though I knew I wouldn't. "Snape has been filling my head with some terrifying thoughts, I didn't sleep at all last night thanks to them."

"Speaking of Snivellus," Sirius sneered, reaching out of sight to something behind him. He pulled out a copy of the Daily Prophet. "Have you read this yet?"

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