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Harry James Potter had never been anything but trouble.

Harry, in all of his Gryffindor glory, was known to be the most honourable person that you could ever meet. He was kind if you could ignore his overactive temper. He was considerate if it was within his personal moral reasoning – these qualities could be nice to have around but, to be honest, they could be a killer to try and put up with. Do you know what could possibly be worse than all that?

Being his twin sister.

I know you most likely haven't heard much of me, to be honest, I'm not really surprised. It's probably for the best considering what you are most likely to have heard never ends up being very flattering. After all, I do not have the sterling reputation my older twin brother hogs.

'You Potter's are always so malleable. A good mind - wise, observant. You have a natural talent to read people, it is impressive. But you must be sly to accomplish this...and oh, my dear, such bitterness! Fascinating. Just look at all that passion... you have a silent kind of courage, not quite so bold as some...I would not have expected such a mind from a Potter. You use your passions well, for good purposes and to great expense. You are a talent, my dear. So where do you belong? I can see you thriving in SLYTHERIN!'

That was all it took for a hat to drastically change my life. I liked being in Slytherin, don't get me wrong. They have pretty colours, wicked humour, and a lot of perks for mischief like mine...but I have always had a distinct problem with bowing down to authority. Constantly being a general kiss-ass has never been a talent of mine, either.

I guess it's possible you heard some whispers of me when my brother and I entered our first year at Hogwarts; likely when I was sorted into Slytherin, a feat that startled the entire school. It was some storybook cliché that started me off with a bad reputation before I had done anything to deserve it. You wouldn't have gotten to hear that I was the one who had calmed down Fluffy and helped them get through the trap door in the third-floor corridor, or that I grew quite close with the giant pups over time. You wouldn't have gotten to hear how I went down to Hagrid's hut every day to go take care of Norbert, who I took a particular liking to. You wouldn't have even heard about me being with Harry when he found the Philosophers stone— oh, right. That's because I wasn't involved in that last feat. All adventures stayed hidden away from me unless they needed to use me as a distraction.

You probably didn't hear about how in second year I was put through the wringer all because everyone suspected I was Slytherin's heir. Well, they all suspected up until I was petrified with the lot of the 'enemies of the heir'. It had made the Prophet, that I was the only non-Muggleborn to be attacked by the damned basilisk. Instead, of course, you would have heard that Harry speaks Parseltongue. Paired with my paralysis, it had knocked me out of the running for the villain of the year.

I sadly can't speak to snakes, but I tend to metaphorically understand animals...with all the regular language barriers that should be expected of an animal lover. I tend to be able to comfort them and they seem to be drawn to me, almost as if it was my own special form of magic. At the end of the day, it seemed like the Slytherin's were too afraid to hate me and they had rallied against my brother too much to worship me; it's one of the very things I had ranted about when I had a brief hold of Tom Riddle's diary. I'd had hold of the enchanted book just before my brother had, though it was stolen from me by Ginny around the same time I was petrified by that damned basilisk. My incapacitation had given her the perfect opportunity to get it back.

You definitely wouldn't have heard about what happened to me in third year, when the dementors came to town. You wouldn't know that we found out I'm actually a pretty decent Seer thanks to Trelawney's overwhelming analysis of my daydreams and migraines, or that the dementors have gotten some good bites out of me because I apparently have no happy thoughts. I do not remember my mother and father talking to me, I do not hear my Mum's voice when I blackout as Harry does, and I cannot produce a corporeal Patronus at all...though the dementors and I did gain a rather one-sided, parasitic love affair when it comes to the consuming of my soul. Unfairly, I did not get to learn the details on the infamous Sirius Black's escape, besides the fact that Hermione had done some kind of impressive magic that let the Gryffindors be in two places at once. But I do love my godfather unconditionally and were it up to me I would serve him Wormtail in a silver dog dish. Sirius and I talk as often as we can, though I only met him when he was in the shrieking shack and while we were running away from Lupin. But he always promised to make up for the lost time – and not to stretch facts, but I'd wager he's nicer to me than most others who judge me thanks to my relations.

What you probably have heard about me is that I'm Harry Potter's far less impressive twin sister. Harry has always been the Boy-Who-Lived and I will always be the Girl-Voldemort-Didn't-Have-Time-To-Get-To. I survived by chance, not a display of power. I was even scarred too, but not in an epic or magical way. You've probably seen pictures of it considering how much harder it is to hide than Harry's – the jagged scar in the shape of an 'X' over the left side of my throat.

Apparently, You-Know-Who tried to cut it in a way that would leave a message when he left me to bleed out and die...but I showed him, now didn't I?

I do have talents of my own, though they are not anything that has helped me save the wizarding world. My talents are ones that I can keep to myself without Harry's reputation smothering them. Yes, I have premonitions – not commonly useful ones, but it's something I can say I'm capable of doing. Especially when I'm defending my very unpredictable magic.

Yes, my wand etiquette still sucks, and I am a joke in Defense and duelling... but I realized that I was pretty good with the intricate things. Like wordless spells and sometimes, if I'm really lucky, even a wandless Conjuring Charm. It took forever for me to learn how to do it at will, which was quite the feat considering that half the time my wand still refuses to work properly – or at all. Yes, you would think to just get a new one, but a wand is a wand. You usually only have one in your life and it did choose me. And I won't be given a new one as I can perform's just oddly sporadic; like an energy blast or some strange 'coincidence' that didn't mean to happen. My wand sometimes just randomly goes off, or at times something happens that I thought of trying but didn't prepare for – who can honestly know whether or not it was me?

Otherwise, I was basically a duelling punching bag.

I agreed with Harry over the years that it was probably best for people not to understand what I was, or was not, capable of accomplishing when we learned duelling and the strange coincidences started happening. Keeping my little 'slips' quiet was actually one of the very few times I had ever taken his advice. But it wasn't entirely secret – my friends found out thanks to spending so much time around these 'accidents' but it's not often brought up in conversation. It's nice to know that my friends can at least be embarrassed enough to be seen with a freak that they'll keep my secrets. But Slytherins protect their own – it's just something that's written into the Slytherin criteria. Gryffindors, on the other hand, are simply too loyal to sell me out.

Now, before you go spreading rumours let me straighten this all out: I love my brother, no matter how much of a git he can be. He's been there for me through everything and I'm now a stronger person for it all. He drives me absolutely insane and I tire of always having to save his arse – while getting absolutely no recognition for it – but Harry is one of the only true things that I have left. I'm not going to leave him behind, though I wouldn't doubt if he ended up leaving me...still, even then, I would stick by him to the end. I will stick by him to the end. I'll stay through thick and thin, blood and pride, loyalty and ambition. Being his sister is all I've ever known, and he is the only real family that I have left. And despite being on opposite sides of the Hogwarts spectrum, I will always remain loyal to that, Slytherin or not. Realistically, I would even wager I'd die to save the lard – after all, he constantly plays with that kind of fire.

Luckily for me, family never dies.

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