23. Divine

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Chapter 23: Divine

I opened my eyes when my world stopped spinning, but even taking a good look around I would not have been able to tell you where I was. All I knew was that I was no longer standing in the maze I had just been in. I was on softer ground now, with cooler air that nipped at my skin. The world around me was fogged - or had I hit my head? My vision didn't seem necessarily unfocused, but I had never been in a place that was this fogged and dreary. It had a feel of something unnatural - were those my senses, or was I being paranoid? Had I done some accidental Astral projection and wound up somewhere that I had never been? I had never done that before, but from my reading I knew that it was possible. If I was in Astral form, I had no clue how to get back to my body when I was lost besides than having something tug me back like a lack of energy or a grindylow being an arsehole.

Neither were preferred choices.

It took me a moment to realize that I was not alone here - wherever 'here' was - because I saw that fifty feet away from me was a man in a cloak, a thick cloak, and he was muttering things under his breath that I couldn't hear from my position across the...wherever I was. And in front of him was a figure - somewhat recognizable, though for some reason I had trouble thinking of a name. Messy black hair and glasses - familiar, but somehow not a name I could pull forward from my brain. I should know that name, something was telling me...but I couldn't understand why I would.

I had never been to this place and I couldn't think of anyone I knew ever wanting to come here - it hurt my head just thinking about it. I placed my hand to my scalp, my stomach lurching when I pulled it back to look at it. I was bleeding. I was bleeding a lot. Was that...from my ears?

I flinched away from the bellow that came from the boy that was stuck to the stone. He was yelling at the other man, it was possible he was crying, and he was definitely calling out something. Something I couldn't understand...ugh, between the blood and all this muffled sound and confusion, it was proof I'd definitely hit my head. I don't know why I couldn't understand what was playing out in front of me, particularly when my instincts were screaming that I knew what was going on and that whatever was happening right now was dangerous.

The man in the cloak was hovering in front of the boy again, before I heard a scream ring out from the figure that was bound to stone. It took my nerves longer to comprehend the scream it had taken my ears - wait was that scream from me? No. No, the scream was from the boy, but somehow I knew I should be screaming.

The pain, the pain was reason enough but I couldn't understand where it was coming from and why I was feeling what I was but the boy was screaming instead. Why should he scream when I'm the one in pain? Why wasn't anyone paying attention to me?

I looked down at my arm, my pale - and for some reason bare - arm. It had been blackened with something, a spot or a mark that began to twist into a shape that I couldn't recognize. It sparked more red flags, like the boy bound to the stone did, but my mind couldn't keep up to the speed that the mark on my arm was transfiguring. I bent over my arm, watching while the black spot morphed into something resembling a skull, a skull with a gaping grin. It sent shivers down my spine and to make things worse, the grin split itself open and from it spilled a snake - a red, vicious snake...no. No, that was not a snake dripping from behind it's teeth...that was my blood. I took my right hand and touched the blood that had been near my ear - but it was not flowing enough to slither down my arm like this. No, no, more was flowing now. It was my blood and it was because this mark was slicing through my skin...

The red spilled from my arm and onto the grass, staining it brown. How was so much blood pouring from my arm? I couldn't imagine that I had this much in my body. I felt blood drip into my eyes, it was from the angle of bending over but it coated my vision in red. I yelled out, hearing the voice of the boy do the same. I tried scraping the blood from my eyes, tried to call out to the boy to save me...that voice. That voice was Harry's voice! Harry, my brother, Harry was my brother and he was tied to a stone - someone was hurting my brother!

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