| Chapter 28 |

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Zoe's POV

On my way to the hotel from dad's house, Bob said he needed to add fuel and went to a gas station.

"I need to use the bathroom, too." He looked guiltily at me as he bounced, and I knew it was urgent.

"Go on Bob. I'll wait." I giggled, and he dashed around the station for what I assumed was the bathroom.

Shaking my head, I switched my phone and scrolled through my social media apps to pass some time. I noticed there were few notifications and messages. I opened them and saw a video from an unknown person.

I clicked the play button curiously and my brows knitted in confusion when I saw William and Eric arguing in the boys' locker room.

"I can't believe you did the same thing with Zoe, William!"

"Relax Eric, it isn't a big deal-"

"Not a big deal?! First, you use Liam and Evelyn to get Stella, and that the drama unfolded after that wasn't enough for you. Now you're using Griffin the same way to get Zoe's, but this time you had him break her heart so she can run back to California!"

My eyes widened as I watched the video, stunned. I replied to it to make sure I heard it right and my heart dropped in my stomach.

Griffin... Was just acting all this time?

He's not interested in me...

I switched my phone off and stared at the black screen. A tear dropped on it, making me realize I began crying. I quickly clean it before Bob could come and see and do something to William and Griffin.

Maybe it's a misunderstanding.

I opened my phone again and looked for the number that sent me the video and dialed it.

"Hey, Zoe." A familiar voice echoed, and I frowned.

"Derek?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. You watched the video."

"H-how I-"

"I know you must feel sad. We called it a truce, so I thought I might let you know. Griffin's a player. The entire school knows how he plays with girls, and now he's playing with you."

"How long?" I whispered.

"I don't know, but I found them arguing in the locker room this Monday and made a video without them knowing."


It was the same day when Griffin flirted with me.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok."

"I know William is your brother, but he shouldn't do this with you. I felt sorry that's why I sent it to everyone in school."

"William won't be nice when he finds this."

"I know. But it's a long shot since he doesn't even care..."

His voice fades away when I zoned out. I thought William and I were finally getting to know each other and having fun. But I was wrong to think that he still wanted me to leave him alone.

I gulped and saw Bob coming towards the car. "I need to go. Bye."

"Zoe-" I hung up sitting straight.

"I talked with Griffin." Bob turned on the car. "He will try nothing funny, but if he does, call me and I'll come beat-"

"We need to go back," I whispered, cutting him off.

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