| Chapter 16 |

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Zoe’s POV

With a grin on my, I stood outside William’s room and heard them talk. I was delighted that William liked it and was grateful to Griffin that he made him take it.

We are even now.

After that, the party went smoothly. William came downstairs wearing the shirt I gifted him and he looked blissful. William was passionate about football and I hope he gets into his dream University.

The next day at high school I was at my locker with Gecil telling her about what happened. She couldn't come because she had some family dinner. It was a tradition to do it with their entire family once every month.

“I’m thankful to Griffin that he made William take it.” I beamed.

“That means you forgive him?” She raised her eyebrow at me.

“Well... Yeah. I mean if it wasn’t for him William was going to throw it in the corner.”

“That’s good.” She bobbed her head and then looked at me sternly. “I still think you should let him beg.”

“Why do you want him to beg that much?” I looked at her amused.

“Who wouldn’t want to see The Great Griffin on his knees?” She chuckled.

“Why do I smell something else then?” I arched my brow.

“W-What?! There’s-is nothing else.” She gave a high-pitched laugh.


Something is definitely not right.

“I’m your friend Cil. Right?” She nodded. “You can tell me anything.”

She pondered on it, then sigh. “Fine. One reason is that he’s a douchebag.” I closed my locker, paying attention to her. “He and his so-called team pranked me when I was a freshman.”

Oh, shoot!

“What did they do?” I inquired.

“It’s um...” She nervously shifted and I placed my hand on her arm.

“It’s all right if you don’t want to talk about it.” I would never force her to say something she didn’t want to.

“It wasn’t that big. It’s just...” She groaned. “I had a crush on Mason.”

“I’m already aware of that.” I teased.

“So was everyone else. He asked me out, and I was foolish enough to say yes and thought wow my crush is asking me out and there’s nothing suspicious about it so let’s go!” She scoffed. “He said he’ll meet me at the Cafe.” Her gaze fell on the floor and mumbled. “He stood me up.”

“That’s so… rude!” I gasped. “How long did you wait for him?”

“Four hours...” She trailed off and my eyes grew enormous. “I was a dumb head.”

“They are so... Arg! How can they be like this?!” I fumed.

“They all are jerks.” She huffed. “So yes, I’d love to see one of them on his knees.” She chuckled but sounded so sad.

“You are still crushing on him.” It wasn’t a question because I saw the way she looked at him.

“Ridiculous, I know.” She grunted.

“There’s nothing ridiculous about it. You can’t help who you fall for.” I leaned my back on the locker.

“You like Griffin, right?” I nodded.

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