| Chapter 14 |

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Zoe’s POV

Griffin was on call and I stood there feeling guilty. Bob was here because of me and had to stay away from his family, and I couldn’t keep him here with me forever.

I glared at Griffin as he talk on the phone with someone. I was mad at him for what he did. I got scared and Bob wasn’t here to save me, making me realize how much I needed him, but I had to get on my feet. He wouldn’t be with me all the time.

I left Griffin standing there and scrutinized the place. It was scary, but I was sure it was an illusion. All types of people live everywhere, so you couldn’t say that the people here were bad. I saw a bar and heard voices coming from inside. I stood in front of the door, taking deep breaths.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

With that, I opened the door. Seven to eight people were sitting, all staring at me. It was because of my dress; it stands out too much in this place. It was a good thing I got to do shopping today.

I held my head high and strode towards the bar. A big guy was sitting there, he was wearing a sleeveless shirt and his arm was covered in tattoos. I sat beside him and the bartender arched his eyebrows at me. I didn’t know what they sell, so I asked for water. The bartender rolled his eyes and got back to his work.

The tattoo guy beside me was continuously staring at me. I shifted in my seat, observing the place. It was an old bar and the atmosphere gave me goosebumps. The men were staring at me while the women were gossiping among themselves. I glanced at the TV and saw a football game going on.

People here really liked this sport. The match was between the Dallas Cowboys and some other team. I got an idea and looked at the tattoo guy beside me.

“Dallas is a sick team.” I awkwardly said. He raised his eyebrows at me.

“Ya know football?” His thick voice made me shudder.

“Yes.” I lied, trying to play cool. “Dalton is the best,” I said in a high-pitched voice.

Nutcrackers! I’m terrible at lying.

The guy blinked his eyes. Then the corner of his mouth quirked up as he watched me in amusement. “Yea?”

I bobbed my head and gave him a toothy grin. “My brother and I are his big fans. My brother also plays football.”

“That’s coowl.” A guy sitting at the table said. “Ah’ didn’t know garls like ya like thiz game.”

“Well, that’s wrong. People judge each other by their appearance and you shouldn’t do that.” I replied.

“Hm...” He nodded.

“Ya from here?” The bald guy beside him asked.

“No. But I’m here on a mission.” I exaggerated. I remembered the Rapunzel scene when she was in a bar and it ended up good for her.

“O’ yea?” He asked leaning in.

Clearing my throat, I told them about my adventure.

‘The legend of Zoe’.

✶ ✶ ✶

“They threw ice wauter at ya! That’z sick men!”

Everyone surrounded me and listened to my story intensely. It was fun telling them and seeing their reactions.

“When ah’ find those bouys ahh’ll kick th’ere azzez.” The tattoo guy said, looking furious.

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