| Chapter 9 |

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Zoe's POV

After waking up in the morning with a huge grin, I got ready to meet Dad. Bob ordered sandwiches and milkshakes for me which I ate on my way to my house.

My house. I felt giddy whenever I thought about it.

When I reached, Dad made me breakfast. Even though I was full, I couldn't say no to him. Will was not home and Dad said he stayed at Griffin's that night.

After that, we went to his truck and he gave me a tour of his town, introducing me to his friends and people he knew. Some were surprised, some gave me disgusting looks, which I ignored, and some were delighted to meet me.

I asked Dad about my grandparents and he told me that his mom died when he was young and his dad died a few years ago. William was attached to his grandfather more than him and was devastated when he died. We talked more about William.

Dad told me he was an excellent football player and was aiming for a scholarship. In a few months at his friendly game with another high school, scouts will come to see him play. Dad was proud of him and should be. The information I got about him from the file cleared he was a great guy.

I asked about his relationship with Stella and he told me they had been together for three years and was shocked when he saw them fighting yesterday. He told me they never fought like that before which made me guilty.

When Stella and I were setting the tables, I tried to talk to her. She is really sweet, and when I poured my heart out to her. She sympathized and said she will help me with William but because of me they fought and broke up. I hope William will come to his senses soon and makeup with her.

She is a gem.

✶ ✶ ✶

Days went by like that, Dad and I visited different places in town and met people. I was so happy when he introduced me as his daughter; he looked proud, which gave me some courage too.

I never got a chance to meet William. Whenever I was at home he was out, I knew he was avoiding me but he can't do that forever, sooner or later we will talk.

I met Mr. King when Dad took me to his workshop. Griffin looks like his father, just younger with red hair. Mr. King was Dad's closest friend. He knew about me and was happy to see me.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you! The last time I saw you, you were this small." He teased, pinching his finger.

"I can't be that small." I giggled.

We were sitting in his office eating lunch. He showed me his garage and the cars he was working on. He seemed passionate about cars and I wondered if Griffin was the same. Mr. King was still joking when his office door opened.

"Dad, sorry for being late, I was with Will-" He paused when he saw us sitting.

"Tell me something new Griffin." His dad scolded him.

Griffin replied, keeping his eyes fixed on me. "Sorry Dad, I was with William."

"Where is he? He comes home late and won't answer my calls." Dad complained.

"He needs some time Mr. Brown." He answered, plastering a fake smile. "It's not easy for him to handle this situation."

Dad looked guilty and said nothing while Mr. King introduced us. "Zoe, this is my son Griffin."

"We've met," I smirked.

"When did you guys meet?" His dad wondered.

"We met at Will's dad," Griffin replied.

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