| Chapter 17 |

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Griffin's POV

Princess: Okay. I'll be at dad.

A grin took over my face as I reread her text and was glad she agreed to go with me. And speaking of her number, it was difficult to get. Eric was the only one among us boys who had her number and he wouldn't give it to me. No way in hell I was asking Stella for it, so Eric was my only option and I didn't know what his problem was. I was just trying to make up with Zoe for what I did, and he was making it difficult for me.

"I will not give you her number!" Eric yelled as he ran into the parking lot of our high school.

"Dude, don't be a pain in the a** and give the f**king number!" Liam shouted, chasing him.

I sighed and observed everyone who was laughing as they watched my crazy friends running like fools and made fun of them. Rubbing my hands on my face, I groaned and glared at them. They have been in circles for hours- ok, maybe not hours, but I had enough of this.

That's it! I'm done nice being with this a**hole!

I was about to run after him but whirled in my direction when I saw another familiar face coming out of our high school.

"Hey wait!" She stopped and turned around, raising her eyebrows questionably. "Gecil, right?"

I have never talked to her before, but I've seen her with Zoe a lot.

"Yeah..." she trailed off, staring at Eric and Liam as they continued running in the background like idiots.

"I want Zoe's number." She snapped her eyes at me.


"I asked her to go out with me tomorrow and forgot to ask for her number to inform her of the time and all that-" I closed my mouth to stop my rambling and sighed. "Just give me her number."

"No." she flatly said and turned around, walking away.

"Why?!" I shrieked, running after her.

"Because you're an A-hole." She said deadpan.

"Look, I'm sorry for whatever I did and I want to make up for it." She continued walking, ignoring me. "I'll do anything you ask, just please give me her number!" I whined.

Why won't anyone give me the damn f**king number?!

She halted in her steps, then spun towards me and raised her brows. "Anything?"

"Yes." I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but whatever, I just wanted the damn number and to be over with it. In the background, I heard Liam and Eric yelling at each other.

"Get on your knees and beg." She said firmly, crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry... what?" My brows knitted in confusion.

"You heard me." She stood deadpan. I blinked my eyes and looked around at the people watching my friends.

She seriously wants me to do that?

I glanced at Gecil again and saw her tapping her foot impatiently. Cursing under my breath, I was about to get on my knees but was stopped by her as she panicked.

"Oh, my goodness! You are really doing it!" She shuddered and grabbed my arm. "I didn't think you'd actually do it."

"I just want the f**king number." I groaned.

"Fine. I'll give you." She said, taking her phone out.

"Thank you." I blew a breath in relief.

She extended her phone, and I took my phone out to copy.

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